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Catalog of Visual/Graphics on website




Mobile Responsive Table

Column Header
Column Header
Column Header



Image with Caption

Caption goes here

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock venison shank do ut chuck aliquip non pork belly corned beef deserunt pork. Qui commodo eu kevin jowl, ex pork chop dolor cupidatat t-bone sunt shankle. Culpa bacon porchetta filet mignon pariatur ribeye beef ribs landjaeger. Buffalo cillum excepteur ea in ground round. Landjaeger magna tenderloin burgdoggen fatback frankfurter pig jerky ad nostrud occaecat.

Sint et reprehenderit, dolore flank capicola hamburger duis rump occaecat. Dolor ea ut bresaola sint landjaeger prosciutto commodo chislic ham. Strip steak consequat cillum, ham dolore brisket officia. Ut porchetta pastrami excepteur turkey, et salami. Dolore ea adipisicing, in ham hock beef bacon ipsum nostrud culpa proident consectetur. Brisket shank do, eu pork chop landjaeger fugiat tongue cillum nisi laboris sed.


Majors Like This 

Can only be used in "Additional Content" section

more majors like this Snippet


Photo Left with Title and Description

Title/Heading One

Bacon ipsum dolor amet andouille ribeye picanha, cupim sirloin t-bone spare ribs short ribs chicken ball tip shankle ham pork loin buffalo. Shankle drumstick sausage boudin salami, leberkas doner tri-tip brisket pig biltong. Beef swine shankle alcatra. Bacon pastrami andouille doner buffalo tenderloin. Filet mignon drumstick fatback shank ribeye. Spare ribs ground round hamburger, flank pork chop cupim alcatra shankle andouille. Beef ribs tongue cupim, shank chicken corned beef pork belly sirloin turducken tail tenderloin.

Title/Heading Two

Bacon ipsum dolor amet andouille ribeye picanha, cupim sirloin t-bone spare ribs short ribs chicken ball tip shankle ham pork loin buffalo. Shankle drumstick sausage boudin salami, leberkas doner tri-tip brisket pig biltong. Beef swine shankle alcatra. Bacon pastrami andouille doner buffalo tenderloin. Filet mignon drumstick fatback shank ribeye. Spare ribs ground round hamburger, flank pork chop cupim alcatra shankle andouille. Beef ribs tongue cupim, shank chicken corned beef pork belly sirloin turducken tail tenderloin.

Title/Heading Three

Laura Lehman enjoys the mix of creative projects and strategic planning involved in her role as web project manager and strategist. She enjoys serving the university and it’s faculty, staff and students, by providing web content updates, and planning.

Title/Heading Four

Laura Lehman enjoys the mix of creative projects and strategic planning involved in her role as web project manager and strategist. She enjoys serving the university and it’s faculty, staff and students, by providing web content updates, and planning.


Faculty/Staff Showcase

- does not need to be used for faculty/staff (see below) Any photo/quote/link combination works. Can be used for 2-4, 5-7 or 8-10 profiles in a row. 

faculty showcase slider

New Faculty Staff Slider

Pulls from faculty-staff directory - includes titles, education and link to directory.

new faculty slider

2 Profile Showcase with Description

These can include links and descriptions or not. 

Patience Kamau


Optional description goes here

Jackie Font-Guzman



Brand Photo Left or Right with Description

Best in full-width (no left navigation) pages. Large photo with description and link


Bacon ipsum dolor amet turducken ham short ribs, hamburger biltong doner beef ribs filet mignon t-bone beef. Shankle alcatra salami, beef kevin pork chop jerky beef ribs boudin tail pork cupim. Salami drumstick alcatra jowl swine ground round ham hamburger kevin. Kielbasa bresaola rump, salami jerky pig spare ribs chuck. Ground round chicken bresaola, andouille sausage brisket picanha pork belly cow burgdoggen. Pancetta tail sausage ham, picanha andouille fatback flank meatloaf pork jowl short loin leberkas salami. Pork chop boudin cow hamburger swine tenderloin.

Learn More

Description pop-out overlay (button or text)

This creates a pop-out overlay with description that can either be a simple text link

Or a button

Facebook Embed

Grad Program Summary

This should only be used in the "Feature" section at the top of the website. 

grad program summary


We have a two-column grid for pages with left navigation, a three column grid for full-width pages, and a large two column grid for two column in a full-width page. Regular two-column and three-column grids can also have a description.

Three Column Grid

Large Two Column


Machform Popup Button

This component creates a

Test Button

that you can use to make a machform pop-up.

Photo Left/Right Title and Description

angry cat

Mr. Grumpy Whiskerkins

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, cry louder at reflection, for stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust. Eat from dog's food sitting in a box, but my left donut is missing, as is my rightMice if human is on laptop sit on the keyboard claws in the eye of the beholderWhatever thinking longingly about tuna brine, or oooo! dangly balls! jump swat swing flies so sweetly to the floor crash move on wash belly nap but kitty poochyGet away from me stupid dog why use post when this sofa is here pee in human's bed until he cleans the litter box unwrap toilet paperMeow and walk away stare at wall turn and meow stare at wall some more meow again continue staring but trip on catnipPlaying with balls of wool i rule on my back you rub my tummy i bite you hard walk on keyboard and meowleave fur on owners clothesHide at bottom of staircase to trip human dead stare with ears cocked, and pretend you want to go out but then don't and refuse to leave cardboard boxPurr.

Can include link

Photo Left/Right Title and Description with YouTube Pop-out

Padraig OTuama

Seminary Chapel- Jesus of Nazareth: strange man in strange times

This chapel will take a fresh exploration at some stories of Jesus of Nazareth. Taking a literary approach to the gospel texts, we will consider — through story, poetry, literary analysis and imagination — the character of this man from Nazareth.

Moderator: Carmen Schrock-Hurst

Watch now

Quote Showcase 

Only good in "additional content" area

quote showcase

YouTube Link Pop-out

This creates a


or text that you can use to embed a YouTube Pop-out 

YouTube Embed

visit graphicVisit
apply graphicApply