Chapel Gathering: Seminary “God of All Compassion”
“God of All Compassion” – Join this chapel time hosted by the CPE students from our two current Clinical Pastoral Education classes and Certified Educators. We will worship in song, scripture and storytelling from our CPE cohorts and our various ministry experiences.
Seminary Capstone Presentation: Brandon Hawley
Brandon Hawley, “Millenial Drop-Off: Lack of Involvement of Post-Graduates in Congregational Ministry” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete their....
“Ministry Inquiry Program” – Elizabeth Witmer, Maddie List, Caleb Schrock-Hurst
Hear reflections from Elizabeth Witmer, Maddie List, and Caleb Schrock-Hurst, about exploring ministry this past summer with the Ministry Inquiry Program. What might exploring ministry look like for you? Elizabeth Witmer, a junior social work major, was at Faith Mennonite Church in Minneapolis. In addition to leading worship, visiting a terminally ill church member, preaching, planning and attending actions and....
“Exploring a Call to Ministry?” – Ministry Inquiry Program (MIP)
Seniors Wesley Wilder and Daniel Barnhart share reflections on their summer Ministry Inquiry Program experiences of exploring a call to ministry.
“Ministry in Context” – Dr. Ervin Stutzman
Dr. Ervin Stutzman, Executive Director of Mennonite Church USA speaks in Chapel Gathering at Eastern Mennonite Seminary about navigating pastoral ministry in the present context.
“Christianity without consequence: Called to a ministry of reconciliation” – J. Ron Byler
“Christianity without consequence: Called to a ministry of reconciliation,” II Corinthians 5:16-20. J. Ron Byler, Mennonite Central Committee US Executive Director. April 2014 marked 20 years since the genocide in Rwanda and Burundi. Two of the most Christianized countries in Africa became the place where Christians killed other Christians. What can we learn from this....
“Exploring Ministry” – Chris Parks and Evan Knappenberger
Have you considered exploring ministry? Carmen Schrock-Hurst, Bible and Religion Instructor, hosts Chris Parks and Evan Knappenberger as they share reflections from their experiences in ministry over the summer.
“What I Learned from Ministry Inquiry” – Jacob Landis and Matt Naugle
How are you searching to clarify your call in life? Students who participated in the Ministry Inquiry Program (MIP) over the summer months share reflections from their experiences of exploring a sense of call to ministry.
“Exploring Call” – Jordan Luther & Andrea De Avila Balboa
How are you searching out clarity of your call in life? Jordan Luther and Andrea De Avila Balboa share from their participation in the Ministry Inquiry Program this past summer. The Ministry Inquiry Program is an exciting opportunity of Mennonite Church USA for college-age young adults to explore pastoral ministry. The program offers the opportunity....
“MIP: A Summer of Possibilities” – Joel Nofziger and Rebekah Enns
Joel Nofziger and Rebekah Enns share reflections from from their experiences with the Ministry Inquiry Program this past summer. To check out the Ministry Inquiry Program (MIP) possibilities for this summer, contact Carmen Schrock-Hurst in the Bible and Religion Department. Chapel closes with a time of sending for the Middle East Cross-cultural group toward the end....