Homecoming Centennial Chapel – “Changing the world One Life at a Time” – John and Michele Sharp

Changing the World One Life at a Time John and Michele Sharp share reflections from the life and calling of their son, Michael J. (M.J.) Sharp, recipient of the 2017 EMU Life Service Award, who was killed while on a United Nations peacemaking mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo in March 2017. John Sharp....

Homecoming Worship Service 2016

Ken J. Nafziger and the EMU Chamber Singers lead this service of worship during Homecoming 2016 in which this year’s Alumni Award recipients reflect on Micah 6:8. “He has told you, O mortal, what is good;     and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,     and to walk....

Homecoming Chapel: “Incarnational Presence: being with those in need” – 2016 Alumni Award Recipients

2016 EMU Distinguished Service Award recipients share from their service and leadership roles engaging therapy work with distressed families and individuals at Gould Farm for the past 35 years. 2016 Young Alum of the Year recipient, shares about her work in through video. Emulate offers several musical selections.

“Suter Science Seminar” – Emeriti Panel Discussion

Six Professors Emeriti share history and perspective from their own experiences in their teaching careers at EMU. Panel discussion with Drs. Kenton Brubaker, Glenn M. Kauffman, Galen Lehman, Joseph W. Mast,Clair Mellinger, and Millard Showalter Dr. Kenton Brubaker graduated from EMU (then EMC) in 1954 after three years as a biology major there and a....

Homecoming Chapel – “And the Two Shall Become One” – Dr. Donald Oswald ’75

Viewing work and spiritual formation as two distinct activities, we try with little success to make them consistent. If we can recognize that they are not two things but that they are already one, that they rise from one common impetus, we may find that both are enhanced. Donald Oswald, director of diagnostics and research....

Homecoming Worship Service

In this worship celebration of song and scripture, Alum of the Year Tim Leaman (’93), Distinguished Service Award recipient Ezra T. Peachey (’54, Seminary ’56), and Outstanding Young Alum Isabel Castillo (’07) are recognized and share stories from their life and work.

“Homecoming Chapel” — Isabel Castillo ’07

Homecoming Chapel: Still in her 20s, Isabel Castillo ’07 is already a nationally recognized leader of the immigration-law reform movement in the United States. She was the commencement speaker at the University of San Francisco, was called one of “the 21 brave thinkers of 2011” by Atlantic magazine, and was featured prominently in the New....

Homecoming Worship Service

In this worship celebration of song and scripture, alumni of the Year Vic and Christina Buckwalter and Distinguished Service Award recipient David Boshart are recognized, and share stories from their life and work.

Homecoming: A Festive Gathering

EMU alumni from classes ending in ‘2 and ‘7 gather in Lehman Auditorium for welcome and comments prior to the individual class reunions and photos.  The video shown at this presentation can be viewed on YouTube.