Seminary Capstone Presentation: Shankar Rai
Shankar Rai, “Passing Faith to the Next Generation” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete their projects in the spring,....
Senior Chapel: Reflections on Faith Formation at EMU
How has your faith changed, grown or deepened while in college? What have been the sources of your faith formation in your college years? In what ways has your faith been challenged while in college and how have you navigated that? How do you expect your faith will inform/guide your future endeavors? Gather with graduating....
“Art, Faith, and Justice: What does Resistance have to do with Carnivals?”
So what is this carnival thing? Sarah Thompson, Caleb Lange and Jessica Campbell, participants with Carnival de Resistance, offer some reflections and connections. More info
Doubt, Faith, Stress and Other Relaxing Topics – Acts of Renewal
Professional actors Jim and Carol Anderson Shores use theatre to look at real questions of sorting out where God fits in during the midst of our struggles and the struggles of those around us. How do we minister to others in their spiritual quandaries? How do we move through our own? Come enjoy some laughter....