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“Diversity and Belonging: Love and the Liberal Arts” – Provost Fred Kniss
Provost Fred Kniss launches the semester with a focus on “Diversity and Belonging: Love and the Liberal Arts.” John 15:10-17 Chapel closes with a time of sending for the Guatemala-Cuba Cross-Cultural group at the close of the service.
“Hold on, Let go, Let’s go” – Dr. Lonnie Yoder
Dr. Lonnie Yoder, EMS Associate Dean and Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, opens the Seminary’s Spring Semester with a convocation address, “Hold on, let go, Let’s go!” “In the midst of the intriguing times in which we live (e.g. rapid and constant change, over-committed lives, foundational challenges, and the experience of multiple losses), the....
Cross-cultural Chapel: SE Balkans
Students from the SE Balkans cross-cultural seminar share experiences and reflections from their recent learning adventure.
Christmas Chapel: “Wake us to see a new world!”
Join us for an all-campus and community Advent-Christmas worship service. Enjoy special music, congregational singing, Scripture and readings featuring the EMU Chamber Singers, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, and Theater program.
“Advent Peace” – Jacob Landis, senior
Senior Jacob Landis preaches on the Advent theme of peace – “Comfort, comfort O my people” – but not too much or displaced comfort! Readings for this second week of Advent include Isaiah 40:1-11 (God comforting the people in exile) and Mark 1:1-8 (John calling people in the wilderness). Jacob is a congregational ministry /....
Student Recognition Chapel
Faculty and Staff in several departments recognize important achievements of students during the fall semester.
“Parables Hymn Sing” – Matthew Hunsberger
Listen to a hymn sing of songs suggested by students, faculty and staff that are inspired by the theme of Parables. (Parables: everyday stories that invite us to confront our worldview, sense of self and God, without providing easy answers.) The selected songs will be based on parables or stories from scripture or from the....
Significance of Crismons
Led by Worship and Liturgy class students Darin Buse, Terry Hendricks, Sarah Payne, and Larry Friedland.
“Parable of the Great Banquet” – Matt Schwartz ’06
Parables – everyday stories that invite us to confront our worldview, sense of self and God, without providing easy answers. Join Matt Schwartz, Pastor at Eastside Church, as he shares about the Parable of the Great Banquet, from Matthew 22:1-14. Parables is the campus ministry theme for the year.