Meredith L. McNabb, Director and Lindsey M. Baynham, Associate Director for Call, Candidacy and Discernment of the Virginia United Methodist Conference-Center for Clergy Excellence share in Word and Table: “A Terrible Thing to Waste” (Philippians 2 – having the same mind as Christ)
“#GivingIsReceiving” – Carolyn Stauffer
Join the International Student Organization (ISO) in hosting Dr. Carolyn Stauffer presenting #GivingIsReceiving for an international education emphasis on Bringing Wholeness to Sexual Violence Victims in Central Africa.
“With Weeping they shall Come” – Nathan Hershberger and Kaitlin Heatwole
Nathan Hershberger and Kaitlin Heatwole completed three years of service with MCC in Iraq in July. They share in this Seminary Chapel Gathering out of their experiences in Iraq. Kaitlin was MCC Iraq program coordinator, and Nathan taught English at three church institutions in Erbil, Iraq, including St. Peter’s Seminary. Both are graduates of Eastern....
International Hymn Sing Chapel: Matthew Hunsberger
Matthew Hunsberger leads an International-themed hymn sing in University Chapel with David Berry, Katie Derstine, and students Perry Blosser and Joseph Harder.
“Hope in Ruins” – Adam King
“Hope in Ruins: Reflections and Poems from Palestine/Israel ” Psalm 74, Matthew 24:1-14 Adam King, EMS student and Rise Church Pastor, shares out of his experience with the May 2017 seminary cross-culture “Places, People and Prayers, A cross-cultural encounter with the Holy Land”
“Me and My Messy Humanness” – Moriah Hurst
Moriah Hurst, Nurture and Faith Development Pastor of Park View Mennonite Church., speaks on Me and My Messy Humanness (Isaiah 43:1-5) continuing the emphasis on Faith on a Human Scale introduced on Wednesday by Mandy Smith. Moriah Hurst joined the Park View Mennonite pastoral team in May 2016 after finishing an 8-year term with Mennonite Mission....
“Being Human in Ministry” – Moriah Hurst
Moriah Hurst, Nurture and Faith Development Pastor at Park View Mennonite Church (Harrisonburg, VA), closes the EMS Spiritual Life Week with her chapel address, “Me and My Messy Humanness”
“Promoting New Solutions to Water Crises in a Changing Kenya” – Doug Graber Neufeld
Promoting New Solutions to Water Crises in a Changing Kenya Doug Graber Neufeld, PhD Kenya faces a range of growing water-related challenges that typify those in many countries around the world. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) works with local and international partners in Kenya to encourage the adoption of sustainable solutions to these challenges. This seminar....
“Faith on a Human Scale” – Pastor Mandy Smith
What if it’s not our job, as Christians, to have all the answers? What if our greatest task is to daily rely on God? What if our reliance on God, not our answers, is what will transform the world? Are we willing to let them see us in need? Or only in strength? Originally from....
“Being Human in Ministry” – Mandy Smith
EMS Spiritual Life week opens with Mandy Smith, Writer, Artist and Lead pastor of University Christian Church, a campus and neighborhood congregation with its own fair-trade café in Cincinnati, Ohio. Originally from Australia, Mandy Smith is lead pastor of University Christian Church, a campus and neighborhood congregation with its own fair-trade cafe in Cincinnati, Ohio. ....