The Cords of Distinction award honors the efforts of graduating students who have made outstanding contributions to the university, community or society. The Blue cord represents strength of conviction that one person can help to create a better institution; also willingness and openness to share thoughts and ideas. The Gold cord represents love of spirit and yearning....
2018 Seminary Baccalaureate
Eastern Mennonite Seminary’s 2018 Baccalaureate service includes reflections by Erin Dufault-Hunter on the theme, “Peter’s Witness: Loving Christ as Faithful Failures.”
Cross-Cultural Chapel: India
Welcome back to campus the India Cross-Cultural group and hear what they encountered on their global learning adventure.
Cross-Cultural Chapel: Guatemala-Cuba
Welcome back to campus the Guatemala-Cuba Cross-Cultural group and hear what they encountered on their learning adventure in Latin America.
Student Recognition Chapel
University Chapel Gathering emphasizes the university’s vision of being a Learning Community as faculty and staff in several departments celebrate significant achievements of students during the Spring semester.
Senior Chapel with Emulate
Emulate shares the gift of music and graduating seniors offer reflections on how their faith and spirituality has been nurtured during their college years. Senior reflections from Susanna Sewall, Rachel Breidigan, Perry Blosser, Cerrie Mendoza, and Rachel Sturm Seniors Andry Stutzman and Jeremy Brenneman will offer an instrumental reflection entitled Air Varie No. 5.
Chapel Talk-Back with Fania Davis
ACE Festival Forum chapel talk-back with Fania Davis
“Reflections on a Silent Retreat” – Sue Cockley
Psalm 42:1-5 Romans 5:1-5 Matthew 6:1-4
“ACE Festival Keynote Presentation” – Dr. Fania E. Davis
ACE Festival 2018 Fania E. Davis Social Activist, Restorative Justice Scholar, Civil Rights Attorney Fania E. Davis is co-founder and director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY). Disparately impacting youth of color, punitive school discipline and juvenile justice policies activate cycles of youth violence and incarceration. RJOY works to interrupt these cycles by promoting....
Chapel Worship: Lana Miller
Lana Miller shares reflections as a sending gesture in her final weeks as the undergraduate campus pastor.