Fruit Fly Control in Mangoes on the Pacific Rim: Research Collaborations, Technology Transfer, and Zoom Matthew SiderhurstProfessor of ChemistryEastern Mennonite University Tephritid fruit flies are among the most damaging horticultural pests worldwide, damaging fruits and vegetables through the tropics and subtropics. Areawide pest management, in which neighboring farmers coordinate their control practices, has the potential....
Convocation: Eboo Patel (IFYC)
Join Eboo Patel, Founder and Executive Director of the Chicago-based Interfaith Youth Core, for a convocation address entitled, We Need to Build: Field Notes for Diverse Democracy. We live in a molten era where so much is changing and therefore anything is possible. Will America become a nightmare or a dream? So much depends on leaders like....
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Come focus your spirit in prayerful meditation in Martin Chapel, 11 AM. Singing music from the Taize community and offering prayers rooted in the Iona tradition, we will seek the Quiet Center that grounds our study and lives.
Campus Worship: Navigating Pandemic
On Eagles Wings: Navigating Pandemic with Faithfulness It’s been quite a time these past 18 months continuing into today and here we are in a new academic year gathered together for the opening campus worship. University Chaplain Brian Martin Burkholder and student chaplains share reflections on journeying through a pandemic. How do we process our individual and....
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Want to learn new songs in “Voices Together?” Come join Seminary Chapel where we sing hymns led by Perry Blosser and Caleb Schrock-Hurst and hear devotionals from Rev. Courtney Joyner based on this amazing new collection!
Opening Convocation and Worship
The campus community is warmly invited to gather with President Susan Schultz Huxman for Opening Convocation and Worship featuring a welcome to a new academic year from Provost Fred Kniss and the SGA Co-Presidents plus the president’s address entitled “The Little Engine that Could”? A new twist on a classic tale. There will be a sending for the Southeast Asia Cross-Cultural seminar group toward the close....
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Convocation: Student Recognition
Gather on-line as a campus community for convocation to recognize and celebrate student academic and service achievements and accomplishments from this academic year. Over 50 awards, such as Teacher of Promise, Tutor of Distinction, Math Competition, Exceptional Leadership and Exceptional Service along with acknowledging Cords of Distinction recipients and ACE Festival awards will be given by at least 12 different departments or programs across....
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
A time to hear from and honor Lonnie Yoder and Kenton Derstine as they retire from decades-long careers of service at Eastern Mennonite Seminary.
ACE Festival Keynote
The ACE Festival 2021 Keynote, featuring Rabbi Niles Goldstein Dreams, Drama and Dogma: Spiritual Writing Through the Centuries This presentation will explore the rich and diverse legacy of writing and writers within the context of the Abrahamic faith traditions. It will highlight several works from antiquity to modernity, examining their content, style and purpose, as....