Ted Grimsrud and Mark Thiessen Nation, two theologians and EMU professors, argue both sides of one of the issues vexing the postmodern church: homosexuality. They engage in respectful yet passionate give-and-take over the differences between them as well as areas of agreement and consensus. Ted & Mark’s recently released book, Reasoning Together: A Conversation on....
The Spirituality of the Cell Phone
In this evening lecture presentation sponsored by EMU Campus Ministries, Shane Hipps offers “The Spirituality of the Cell Phone.” This presentation explores the hidden spirituality of the digital age, the way it shapes community, and what we can do about it.
For God So Loved the World – Lee Snyder
In this Spring Semester Opening Convocation, Interim Provost, Dr. Lee Snyder addresses the campus community based on Genesis 1, John 1:1-5 and John 3:16-17. Convocation closes with a time of sending for the India and Guatemala Cross-cultural seminar groups.
Cross-cultural Chapel: Spain & Morocco
The cross-cultural group shares reflections on learning in Spain & Morocco.
Seminary Spiritual Life Week – The Selfless Way of Christ 3
Leonard Dow is pastor of Oxford Circle Mennonite Church in Philadelphia, PA. Leonard is a 1986 graduate of Eastern Mennonite University. In the third chapel of the Seminary’s Spiritual Life Week, he presents The temptation of Excess (Power and the Spectacular).
Seminary Spiritual Life Week – The Selfless Way of Christ 2
Leonard Dow is pastor of Oxford Circle Mennonite Church in Philadelphia, PA. Leonard is a 1986 graduate of Eastern Mennonite University. In the second chapel of the Seminary’s Spiritual Life Week, he presents The temptation to be Relevant.
Seminary Spiritual Life Week – The Selfless Way of Christ
Leonard Dow is pastor of Oxford Circle Mennonite Church in Philadelphia, PA. Leonard is a 1986 graduate of Eastern Mennonite University. In the opening chapel for Seminary Spiritual Life Week, he presents The temptation of “Moving on Up”.
Fall Semester Opening Convocation
President Loren Swartzendruber addresses the campus community with the message, “Called to Change the World,” followed by a Shenandoah Welcome for new students, faculty and staff members.
2008 Commencement
EMU celebrates the University’s 90th Annual Commencement. The graduates are thankful for the tentatively sunny day, allowing the ceremony to be held outside. Dr. Beryl Brubraker, retiring EMU provost, offers the Commencement Address.
EMU celebrates the University’s 90th Annual Commencement in this Baccalaureate Service. Dr. Christian Early, associate professor of philosophy and theology, addresses the community with his speech, “Wonder and Tragedy.”