“Our Journey into Worship and Mission” is the theme Alan and Eleanor Kreider will bring to the campus community as guests for the Augsburger Lecture series this spring. Their theme for seminary chapel on April 12 is “Banqueting in Corinth.” Alan and Eleanor Kreider The Kreiders bring scholarship, storytelling, and experience to incarnational missiology. The....
“Noticing” with Alan and Eleanor Kreider – Augsburger Lectures
Alan and Eleanor Kreider speak on “Noticing” as part of their “Worship and Mission after Christendom” series for the Augsburger Lectureship. “Our Journey into Worship and Mission” is the theme Alan and Eleanor Kreider bring to the campus community as guests for the Augsburger Lecture series this spring. Alan and Eleanor Kreider The Kreiders bring....
2012 C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest
Seven students participated in the 2012 C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest on March 26. Each speaker applied the Christian peace position to a contemporary concern in a short speech (8-10 min): Sarah Schoenhals, Justice from Generation to Generation, Senior Social Work major from Archbold, OH Joel Nofziger, Confession as a Restorative Practice in the....
Spiritual Life Week ‘Chapel Gathering’ – Shaun Groves
The good news of the Bible is not only about what we have been saved from, but also what we have been saved for – something to do with God’s plan to provide for the poor. This plan can be traced from an obscure law about bread in the biblical book of Exodus. Listen to....
Spiritual Life Week – Shaun Groves Concert
Shaun Groves has partnered with child development organization Compassion International for the purpose of spreading Compassion’s mission of releasing children from poverty across the world. Shaun shares an evening of songs and stories inspired by his travels with Compassion. Shaun is a singer/songwriter, speaker, blogger, husband, daddy and friend. He feels and thinks deeply and....
Spiritual Life Week Chapel: “Saved? For What?” – Shaun Groves
The good news of the Bible is not only about what we have been saved from, but also what we have been saved for – something to do with God’s plan to provide for the poor. Shaun Groves is a singer/songwriter, speaker, blogger, husband, daddy and friend. He feels and thinks deeply and laughs easily....
“Sabbath as a Means of Transition from Anxious Scarcity to Grateful Abundance” Dr. Walter Brueggemann
Walter Brueggemann offers the third and final plenary address for the 2012 School for Leadership Training. He considers the “sabbatic principle” as the practice and discipline whereby we may move from the narrative of scarcity and violence to the narrative of abundance and generosity. He considers the Sabbath, the year of release (Deuteronomy 15) and....
Conversations with Walter Brueggemann #2
SLT participants have an opportunity to discuss the second plenary session with Brueggemann. The 2012 theme for School for Leadership Training seeks to engage church and business leaders in an exploration of such questions and to plumb the wisdom of those living with possible answers. This school intentionally invites us to look deeply at how....
Conversations with Walter Brueggemann #1
SLT participants have an opportunity to discuss the first plenary session with Brueggemann. The 2012 theme for School for Leadership Training seeks to engage church and business leaders in an exploration of such questions and to plumb the wisdom of those living with possible answers. This school intentionally invites us to look deeply at how....
“Conflict from Below: The Possibility of Astonished Gratitude” Dr. Walter Brueggemann
Walter Brueggemann offers the second of three plenary address for the 2012 School for Leadership Training. Brueggemann takes the manna story as the root of a counter narrative about finance that is grounded in creation that exhibits the generosity of God and the abundance of resources for the community of the world. The 2012 theme....