Jonathan Morningstar, Re-imagining Wesley: covenant discipleship groups as a method for church renewal. Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They....
CIE Interfaith Forum: Marc Gopin
Mark Gopin, James H. Laue Professor and Director of the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, speaks on his national and international interfaith peacebuilding efforts focusing on “Self Examination’s Contribution to Peacebuilding.” Gopin is an expert on the role that religion and culture play in conflicts and conflict resolution.....
Inside Athletics (Special Release): February 18, 2013
In this special release of the “Inside Athletics” podcast, James brings on women’s basketball coach Kevin Griffin to give an ODAC Tournament preview. They talk about the pressure of the top seed of the tourney and the strength of their team balance. James gives a little preview of the men’s basketball tournament as well as....
“SLW Chapel: Abundant Life – for Real?” – Amanda Garber
Consider just how real abundant life can be for us with pastor Amanda Garber who was on campus for Spiritual Life Week. Amanda Miller Garber was born and raised in the beautiful Roanoke Valley of Virginia. She holds degrees from the University of Virginia, James Madison University, and Duke Divinity School. She currently serves as....
Inside Athletics: February 15, 2013
In this week’s “Inside Athletics” podcast, Dave and James jump into the craziness of this time of year, which is the overlap of winter and spring seasons combined with the upcoming ODAC Basketball Tournaments. They talk about both basketball teams and their wins over Bridgewater earlier this week, and the play-off scenarios we are looking....
“Abundant Life for All” – Amanda Garber
This Chapel Gathering in the Seminary is led by pastor Amanda Garber, along with EMS students associated with RISE, a new faith community in the Harrisonburg area. Abundant Life for all is the theme for the University’s Spring Spiritual Life Week, and Amanda is the featured guest speaker. Amanda Miller Garber was born and....
“SLW Chapel: Unpacking Abundant Life” – Amanda Garber
Launch into unpacking Abundant Life for all, the theme for Spiritual Life Week, with pastor Amanda Garber. Amanda Miller Garber was born and raised in the beautiful Roanoke Valley of Virginia. She holds degrees from the University of Virginia, James Madison University, and Duke Divinity School. She currently serves as the pastor of RISE, a....
” Church as a Healing Space: further reflections” – Dr. Michael King
Dr. Michael King, EMS Dean, preaches on the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15. His sermon follows up on the theme of this year’s School for Leadership Training in January. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday....
Inside Athletics: February 8, 2013
In this week’s “Inside Athletics” podcast, Dave and James look ahead to the building excitement of the ODAC Tournaments, including recent Region Rankings in both basketball and track & field. Dave talks a bit about the success of the new initiatives started by the athletic department recently, plus some plans for the this year’s “NCAA....
CIE Interfaith Forum: Yehezkel Landau
Yehezkel Landau, Faculty Associate in Interfaith Relations at Hartford Seminary and first holder of the newly endowed chair in Abrahamic Partnerships at Hartford Seminary, offers professional and personal insights on “Abrahamic Partnerships in Pursuit of Peace.” This talk combines Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations with the wider agenda of religious peacemaking.