Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Rev. Courtney Joyner, instructor of preaching and Seminary Chapel Minister, will preach on Psalm 13, “God’s Vacation Responder Status: AWOL“
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Dr. Timothy Reardon will lead us in a scholarly presentation on Luke 1:67-79 entitled “The Benedictus as Test Case for Theopolitical Interpretation.”
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Please join us for an exciting performance of the Advent and Christmas scriptures presented by the Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers. Perry Blosser and Caleb Schrock-Hurst will lead both old and new carols of the season.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Seminary senior, Rosemary Grace, shares her Ministry Specialization Project, “Preaching and Mental Health,” including both her topical presentation and sermon on Galatians 5:22-23, “For His Grace and Fruit We are Thankful.”
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Join us for a Thanksgiving-themed chapel service led by the Seminary Community Council. Steve Pardini, seminary senior, will offer the message “Giving Thanks” based on Colossians 3:12-16. Seminary students, Furst Jenkins, Kimberly Shenk, Ezrionna Prioleau, and Barbara Bowman will also be leading us. Music will be provided by Perry Blosser and Caleb Schrock-Hurst.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Senior Presentation: Furst Jenkins, artist, shares her Capstone Project “Window of My Soul” – featuring original paintings and accompanying narrative.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Join us as we observe Native American Heritage Month: See the Bible with new eyes, with readings from the “First Nations Version” of the New Testament.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary – Sarah Nahar
MLK & the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Come hear Sarah Nahar, a scholar-activist from the Potowatomi traditional land, Elkhart, IN. A Rotary Peace Fellow (Thailand), 2018 Generations Fellow at MLK Jr Center for Nonviolent Social Change (Georgia), received her MDiv from AMBS, did MCC work in Jerusalem, and has participated in feminist anti-war movements.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Join us as we commemorate All Saints Day. We remember with song, scripture, and prayer – those whom we love who have passed into blessed memory and dwell in the community of Saints.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
CPE students will be sharing about their experiences serving in various hospital systems and retirement communities over 10 weeks this past summer. Using poetry and story-telling, they will talk about their ministry and engagement of the action/reflection/action process of learning that is an integral part of the CPE experience. Come, worship and celebrate with us!