Seminary Chapel: Dr. Sarah Bixler
Join us as Dr. Sarah Bixler shares from the book of Matthew: “Deep and Wide”
Seminary Chapel: Advent Morning Song and Prayers
Join us for Advent Morning Song and Prayers in the style of the Taize community.
Seminary Chapel: First Sunday of Advent
Seminary student led reflections based on the first Sunday of Advent lectionary texts. Special Advent musical offerings.
Seminary Chapel: Giving Thanks
Join us as we are led by Congregational Worship students in “Giving Thanks for the Bread of Life.”
Seminary Chapel: Portraits of Reconciliation
Led by Congregational Worship students, we spend time in Scripture, prayer and song as we consider reconciliation as bringing together, reconciliation as prayer, and reconciliation as peace.
Seminary Chapel: Poetry and Prayer
Join us for a service of celebrating poetry and prayer.
Seminary Chapel: All Saints’ Day with Rev. Ashley Isernhagen
In observance of All Saints’ Day, Spiritual Direction student Rev. Ashley Isernhagen leads us in reflection and meditation on “Everyday Saints,” including lighting of candles to remember our spiritual ancestors past and present.
Seminary Chapel: Mark Adams
Join us as Mark Adams, U.S. Coordinator of Frontera de Cristo, shares about his experiences as a US-Mexico border missionary.
Seminary Chapel: Anabaptist Bible Project
Nancy Heisey introduces us to the Anabaptist Bible Project, which is set to release for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Anabaptist Movement.
Seminary Chapel: “From the Gut”
Rev. Crystal Sygeel brings the message, “From the Gut,” based on Exodus 32:9-14 and Mark 7:24-30. Rev. Sygeel is the Associate Director for Call and Candidacy for the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church.