Seminary Chapel: Rockingham Male Chorus
Join us to hear the Rockingham Male Chorus – of which Seminary student, Jeff Thompson is a member! The chorus has given over 1,000 concerts and perform regularly starting in September through April traveling from Pennsylvania to Florida.
Seminary Chapel: Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers
Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers – A Collection of Passion Week Tellings from the Gospel of Matthew. Hear the Word of God come alive through storytelling.
Seminary Chapel: The Lord Provides
“The Lord Provides” – Join us as we learn how the Lord provides the gifts of strength, mercy, grace, faith and love. These gifts are even provided to those whom the church may perceive to be unlikely candidates. 1 Tim. 1:12-17
Seminary Chapel: Jacob Cook
“The Living Water is Deeper than Our Religious Worldviews” – Join us as Jacob Cook, Pathways Grant Director, applies the worldview theory to Jesus’ conversation with the woman from Samaria at Jacob’s well. John 4:5-42
Seminary Chapel: Rev. Ashley Isernhagen
Join us as Seminary student, Rev. Ashley Isernhagen leads us in contemplative meditation, as we experience this Lenten season.
Seminary Chapel: Hope Without Wavering
“Hope Without Wavering” – Join us to hear Rev. Brett Isernhagen explore the traditions of Lent, Shrove Tuesday, Shrovetide, and Ash Wednesday. How do Christians approach the ideas of repentance and confession, and their connection to God’s love and eternal life? Hebrews 10:19-25
Seminary Chapel: Creation Care
Join us as Seminary alum, Steve Pardini, speaks to us about the science of climate change and the theology of creation care. John 3:16
Seminary Chapel: Testimonies of Gratitude
Come, join us and be refreshed by hearing testimonies of gratitude as a result of finding and naming joy in our lives.
Seminary Chapel: Marci Frederick
“Blessed Assurance” – Marci Frederick will lead us in imagining the world that Jesus promises and to see where it already exists. Thus, we are blessed and then shaped by the Spirit to be a blessing. Matt. 5:1-12
Seminary Chapel: MaryBeth Heatwole Moore
Join us for “Walking Amid Chaos: Jesus Saves.” MaryBeth Heatwole Moore leads us in a guided imaginative contemplation of Matthew 14:22-33.