Seminary Capstone Presentation – Candy Tharpe

Candy Tharpe, “Grace Buddies: Integrating Children with Special Needs into the Church.” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete their....

“Paying Attention” – Andrea Dalton Saner

“Paying Attention” Exodus 3:1-15 Dr Andrea Dalton Saner, Assistant Professor of OT, Bible & Religion Assistant Professor of OT, Seminary God calls Moses to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, but in order to hear and respond to this call, Moses must shift his perception of himself and the world in accordance with the....

“Role Reversal” – David Radcliff

“Role reversal” John 13:1-9 Serving others—it’s biblical, valuable…and egotistical. Letting others serve us brings them affirmation, makes our shared work more effective, and reminds us that we aren’t the only ones with things to share. David Radcliff, Director of the New Community Project, a faith-based nonprofit organization based in Peoria, AZ.