“Grains of Sand” – Charlie Tinsley
“Grains of Sand” – A Worship experience planned by the Seminary Community Counsel Care Committee (and others), drawing from John 1:1-5; Matthew 14:22-23; Matthew 4:1-11 Homily – Charlie Tinsley
“You are invited” – Emily Nyce and Matt Nyce
“You are invited” – Psalm 86:1-13 Preaching Class Students Matt Nyce and Emily Nyce Lent, wilderness, and welcome – exploring the Christian theme of confession and assurance (there is room for our whole self in God’s presence)
“Paying Attention” – Andrea Dalton Saner
“Paying Attention” Exodus 3:1-15 Dr Andrea Dalton Saner, Assistant Professor of OT, Bible & Religion Assistant Professor of OT, Seminary God calls Moses to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, but in order to hear and respond to this call, Moses must shift his perception of himself and the world in accordance with the....
“Role Reversal” – David Radcliff
“Role reversal” John 13:1-9 Serving others—it’s biblical, valuable…and egotistical. Letting others serve us brings them affirmation, makes our shared work more effective, and reminds us that we aren’t the only ones with things to share. David Radcliff, Director of the New Community Project, a faith-based nonprofit organization based in Peoria, AZ.
“Praying in the Spirit” – Nathanael Ressler
Ephesians 3:14-20 Seminary Preaching Class student, Nathan Ressler
“Start Close in” – Kenton Derstine
Dr. Kenton Derstine, Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry Director of Clinical Pastoral Education and Mentored Ministry, engages Chapel Gathering at EMS with a poetic context for conversation and journey with God.
SLT opening worship and keynote: “Seasons of Longing” – Liz and Matt Myer Boulton
Liz and Matt Myer Boulton open the 2016 School for Leadership Training with their first keynote addressing the conference’s overall theme of Oasis. The ancient poetry of the Christian tradition in Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 understands and recognizes seasons of longing and fulfillment, repentance and mercy, violence and love, death and life, wilderness and oasis. Using scripture,....
“Visual Theology” – Kathryn Fenton
Artist Kathryn Fenton is a 2015 Eastern Mennonite Seminary graduate in the Master of Arts in Religion with a concentration in Art. She studied studio art at Messiah College for two years, transferring to EMU to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art. Kathryn’s exhibit “Icons for the Mennonite Church” is currently on display....
“On The Way” – Dr. Lonnie Yoder
In his Spring 2016 opening convocation address, Dr. Lonnie Yoder, EMS Associate Dean and Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, engages our awareness of ministry that happens “On the Way” !
“2015 Advent Reflections on Liberty University” – Charlie Tinsley
In the context of a chapel gathering, Eastern Mennonite Seminary student Charlie Tinsley, a graduate of Liberty University, offers Advent reflections on remarks by Liberty president Jerry Falwell Jr. regarding his recent call for students to carry guns.