“Loving Enemies” – Rev. Steven D. Martin

Rev. Steven D. Martin is a filmmaker, photographer, interfaith engagement practitioner, ordained Methodist pastor, and Director of Communications and Development for the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC.) He has served United Methodist Churches as pastor for twenty years. His 2005 film for PBS, Theologians Under Hitler  was critically acclaimed and....

“Tell the Story of Jesus” – Dr. Scot McKnight (Augsburger Lecture)

Dr. Scot McKnight speaks on “Tell the Story of Jesus” as part of a Kingdom Vision as a Way of Life emphasis for the 2016 Augsburger Lecture Series and the Missional Church Partnership with Virginia Mennonite Missions, Virginia Mennonite Conference, Park View Mennonite Church, Eastern Mennonite University and Eastern Mennonite Seminary. ——- Rev. Canon Dr.....

“Mary’s Way” – Nancy Heisey

“Mary’s Way” Dr. Nancy Heisey–Eastern Mennonite Seminary Associate Dean, EMU Professor of Biblical Studies and Church History. Nancy has worked as a teacher and an administrator first at Mennonite Central Committee and since 1999 at EMU. Her lifelong professional and churchly involvement with Mennonites and Brethren in Christ around the world, and her research interests....

“Plastic Jesus – the comfortable Jesus”- Cyneatha Millsaps

“Plastic Jesus – the comfortable Jesus” Luke 4:16-30 Theme: The Plastic Jesus, ways in which we try and make Jesus and the gospel into what works for us. Cyneatha Millsaps, Lead Pastor of Community Mennonite Church in Markham, IL. and Multicultural Liaison and Consultant for Multicultural Affairs for the Illinois Mennonite Conference