Opening convocation: Don’t Stop Asking Questions
Loren Swartzendruber speaks on “Don’t Stop Asking Questions” for opening convocation to kick off the Faith and Doubt: Finding Our Way chapel series. There is also a time of sending for the Guatemala Cross-cultural seminar group. Luke 20:1-8.
Seminary Spring Convocation: “Like an endless falling”
Interim Dean of the Seminary, Dr. Sara Wenger Shenk, Delivers the Seminary Spring Convocation address, “Like an endless falling.”
Opening Convocation: Called to Serve and Lead
The Campus Community gathers to hear President Loren Swartzendruber open spring semester with the convocation address, “Called to Serve and Lead.” The scripture reference is Matthew 20:25-28. The gathered community also commissions and sends the India and Guatemala/U.S.-Mexico Border cross-cultural seminar groups at the close of the service.
Cross-cultural Chapel: South Africa & Lesotho
Students from the South Africa and Lesotho cross-cultural seminar share experiences and reflections from their recent adventure.
New Possibilities for Life after EMU – Tom & Christine Sine
As part of Spiritual Life Week, Tom & Christine Sine, founders of Mustard Seed Associates in Seattle, Washington, offer possibilities for faithful living. Several Students and Staff also share their own creative ideas. Each year, the campus ministries department presents Spiritual Life Week, an engaging series of events that facilitate deepening faith in Jesus Christ.....
“Reimagining the Church for Changing Times,” Tom and Christine Sine
Tom & Christine Sine, founders of Mustard Seed Associates in Seattle, Washington, begin a conversation in the Seminary Chapel Gathering, offering possibilities for faithful living during their presence on campus for EMU Spiritual Life Week. Each year, the campus ministries department presents Spiritual Life Week, an engaging series of events that facilitate deepening faith in....
Is There Life after EMU? – Tom & Christine Sine
Tom & Christine Sine, founders of Mustard Seed Associates in Seattle, Washington, offer possibilities for faithful living for Spiritual Life Week. Each year, the campus ministries department presents Spiritual Life Week, an engaging series of events that facilitate deepening faith in Jesus Christ. This Fall, Tom and Christine Sine lead this special week with the....
The Faith of a Peacebuilder – Leymah Gbowee
Leymah Gbowee, a graduate of the MA in Conflict Studies program at EMU, speaks on how here Christian faith informs her work of peacebuilding – such as leading a group of women in a protest against the civil war in Liberia. Leymah Gbowee has been working extensively in the field of conflict transformation and peacebuilding....
“What is our Mission in a Post-postmodern Age?” – Marva Dawn – Augsburger Lecture Series
Marva Dawn speaks on “What is our Mission in a Post-postmodern Age?” (2 Timothy 1:3-7) as part of the Augsburger Lecture Series. Dr. Dawn is teaching fellow in spiritual theology at Regent College in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Fall Semester Opening Convocation
President Loren Swartzendruber addresses the campus community with the message, “Prepare to Serve and Lead,” followed by a sending blessing for the South Africa Cross Cultural group.