“Friends: Building Peace Through Relationships” – WCSC
Ride the DC metro through chapel in Lehman Auditorium with the Washington Community Scholars’ Center as they explore what it means to study, work, get lost, make friends and build peace in the big city.
“Becoming Unbound” – André Gingerich Stoner
Becoming Unbound: A Martyr Legacy, Interchurch Dialogue and Undoing Racism Mennonites experienced intense persecution nearly five hundred years ago. Does this still shape Mennonite identity and do the wounds linger? How might recent steps toward reconciliation with Lutherans open possibilities for healing and faithful witness? André Gingerich Stoner is Director of Interchurch Relations and Holistic....
“Beatitude” – Don Clymer
Professor Don Clymer explains how different strands of his life came together enabling him to publish his recent book Meditations on the Beatitudes: Lessons from the Margins. This departmental chapel held in the the Language and Literature Suite is part of EMU’s collective effort toward building faith that fosters servant-leadership, as students have the opportunity....
“What I learned this summer–about ministry, about myself” – MIP
Erika Bollman, Rose Jantzi and Jossimar Diaz-Castro share from their participation in the Ministry Inquiry Program this past summer. The Ministry Inquiry Program is an exciting opportunity of Mennonite Church USA for college-age young adults to explore pastoral ministry. The program offers the opportunity to experience first-hand what ministry is and to test your own....
“Bicycle Friendly University” designation presentation
After chapel, President Swartzendruber was presented with the University’s designation as a “Bicycle Friendly University” by the League of American Bicyclists.
“Christian Peacemaking in Kurdistan” – Julia Schmidt
What does Christian peacemaking look like in Kurdistan? Engage this question with Julia Schmidt – fresh back from her travels in Turkey and Iraq with a CTP (Christian Peacemaker Teams) delegation.
Take Back the Night
Take Back the Night planners offer a service of reflection inspired by the theme, “Reaching Toward the Light.”
“Crossing Cultures in the Middle East” – Rami Kassis & Linford Stutzman
Linford Stutzman interviews Rami Kassis, drawing out stories and themes from years of working with EMU students visiting and learning in the Middle East with the cross-cultural program. Rami Kassis serves as Executive Director of the Alternative Tourism Group Study Center in Beit Sahour, Palestine. Linford Stutzman serves as Professor of Culture and Mission in....
University Hymn: Christ of the Mountain, be our Word
Christ of the Mountain, be our Word Eastern Mennonite University Hymn© 2002 All rights reserved Eastern Mennonite University
It’s Time to Jump – Mama Brenda Matthews
Mama Brenda Matthews, Undergraduate Spiritual Life Week speaker, addresses Chapel Gathering in the Seminary. Brenda is an ordained pastor, social activist and poet pregnant with purpose. She seeks to plant seeds of change in the hearts of those who have fallen through the cracks. Chapel Gathering services held in Martin Chapel at Eastern Mennonite Seminary....