The WCSC Presidential Debate sponsored by EMU Chapel
Hear from the students of the Washington Community Scholars’ Center as they use a presidential debate as the platform for addressing questions about DC, dynamics of the program, and how they find God in the city.
Summer Cross-culturals – Local Contexts and Costa Rica
Hear brief reflections from the summer cross-cultural groups in the Local Context and to Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Summer Cross-culturals – Mexico and New Zealand
Hear brief reflections from the summer cross-cultural groups to Mexico, and to New Zealand
“Dreams and Visions” – Loren Swartzendruber
President Swartzendruber addresses the campus community drawing from Acts 2:12-18 This service concludes with a time of sending for the cross-cultural seminar group departing for China.
Cross-cultural Chapel: Middle East
The returning Spring 2015 Middle East Cross-cultural group shares reflections and adventures from their experiences in the Middle East this semester.
Cross-cultural Chapel: Guatemala & Cuba
The returning Spring 2015 Guatemala & Cuba Cross-cultural group shares reflections and adventures from their experiences in Guatemala, US/Mexican border, and Cuba this semester.
Chapel: Washington Community Scholars’ Center
Hear reflections from the WCSC interns on what’s been happening in D.C. this semester.
Hymn Sing Chapel – Matt Carlson, Campus Pastor Intern
Matt Carlson leads a Welcome Back Hymn Sing drawing from favorite hymns of the various Christian denominations and traditions represented in our student body. There will be a time of sending for the Middle East Cross-Cultural group.
“Diversity and Belonging: Love and the Liberal Arts” – Provost Fred Kniss
Provost Fred Kniss launches the semester with a focus on “Diversity and Belonging: Love and the Liberal Arts.” John 15:10-17 Chapel closes with a time of sending for the Guatemala-Cuba Cross-Cultural group at the close of the service.
Cross-cultural Chapel: SE Balkans
Students from the SE Balkans cross-cultural seminar share experiences and reflections from their recent learning adventure.