Campus Worship: -the very messy middle-

Are you weary of conflict? Disagreements in the public square? Disharmony in meetings? Lean in to listen, learn and love …Join Rev. Michael Gulker, of The Colossian Forum, for his presentation, “Leaves of the Tree of Life: Remembering Our End During the Very Messy Middle.” Reading Revelation 22 (especially, vv1-5) could be helpful preparation. We are....

Campus Worship: Where are we in God’s story?

Given layered dynamics of the COVID-19 health pandemic, racial injustice/systemic white supremacy, class oppression, climate change and a global economic crisis, where are we in God’s story? Several area Christian pastors respond. Stephanie Sorge, Trinity Presbyterian ChurchMoriah Hurst, Park View Mennonite ChurchScott Harris, Greenmount Church of the BrethrenAmanda Miller Garber, Rise Faith CommunityChris Johnson, Divine Unity Community....

Campus Worship: Imago DEI-Cmin team

Join the campus ministries leadership team for the first campus worship service of the semester launching this year’s campus ministries theme, Imago DEI which is often defined as image of God. (here’s more) We will be exploring how diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) provide unique lenses into reflecting the character (image) of God. Professor Jerry Holsopple will....

Zoom Campus Worship: Alfombra (LSA)

The Latino Student Alliance (LSA), and host Genesis Arzu, invites everyone to gather around the virtual alfombra in this commemoration of Holy Week for Christians. See the alfombra from 2018. Alfombras, sometimes called sawdust carpets (Spanish: tapetes de aserrín), are one or more layers of colored sawdust, and sometimes other additional materials, laid on the ground as decoration. Sawdust carpets are traditionally....

Zoom CampusWorship:Community CoffeeBreak

Let’s gather for a community coffee break for checking in with one another and caregiving in the context of many changes, losses, challenges and unexpected gifts. We will hear reflections from Seth Weaver and Leah Wenger, SGA Co-Presidents and from two faculty members: Linda Gnagey (Academic Success Center) and __________. There will also be group sharing....

Campus Worship:Voices Together Hymn Sing

We are excited about the new Voices Together worship and song collection available late summer or fall 2020. Come experience what this new resource has to offer at the Voices Together Hymn Sing led by Dr. Benjamin Bergey, Assistant Professor of Music, and the Chamber Singers. Please help us purchase the new Voices Together hymnal by contributing to the Voices Together Crowdfunding Project found here.....

Campus Worship: Rev. Barbara Seward

Gather with campus ministries and Reverend Barbara Seward, of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, for the first campus worship service of the semester with an emphasis on Love God. Love Neighbor. (think foreigner). Rev. Barbara Seward is a native of Virginia who joined the community of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in August 2019. She has a daughter, grandson and a miniature....

Campus Worship: Elaine Heath(Augsburger)

Reclaiming Apostolic Soul – Is There Good News for a World in Trauma?Explore the EMU core values of Christian discipleship and the ethical practice of Christian faith with Elaine Heath, Ph.D., for the annual Augsburger Lecture Series on Christian mission and outreach. There is a talk-back lunch from Noon-1 p.m. in the West Dining Room hosted by the Bible, Religion and....

Campus Worship: Stories from Camp!

Gather for campus worship featuring students sharing stories and reflections from their camp staff experiences. Music and a song from camp will be led by Girl Named Tom. Student/staff speakers: Allison Shelly, Isaac Andreas, Molly Piwonka, Hannah Shultz and Tone Parker.