“Into the Far Country…” – Joni Sancken

Jesus pursues people into the “far countries” of human existence, blazing a trail for us and making it possible for us to minister and serve in Christ’s name even in the most challenging circumstances. Joni Sancken shares a message based on Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32. Dr. Joni Sancken serves as assistant professor of preaching at Eastern....

Seminary Capstone Presentation – Danilo Sanchez

Danilo Sanchez, Family-Based Youth Ministry: Supporting the Family for Lifelong Discipleship Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete....

Seminary Capstone Presentation – Byron Pellecer

Byron Pellecer, Leadership Development from the Perspective of Ministry Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete their projects....

“My Road to Decision” – Dr. Gerald Brunk

“My Road to Decision” features an impersonation of Menno Simons which describes his eleven-year journey to his decision to leave the Roman Catholic priesthood and the consequences of that decision. Dr. Gerald Brunk, EMU professor emeritus, brings his impersonation of Menno Simons back to chapel. The first time he did this impersonation in chapel was....

“The Poetics of Creation” – Dr. Kenton Derstine

Dr. Kenton Derstine, Director of CPE and Mentored Ministry, shares personal reflections, scripture, and poetry on themes of beauty and creation. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday; EMU Campus Ministries hosts chapel gatherings every Wednesday and Friday in Lehman Auditorium.....

“Sending for Service” – (Y-Trips)

This last chapel before Spring Break focuses on Spring Break Y-Trips as Krista Rittenhouse, Andrew Penner, Ardi Hermawan, and Dylan Bomgardner answer the question “Why serve?” Hear and support those who are using their time away from campus to serve others: Jubilee Partners (intentional Christian community offering hospitality to refugees) in Comer, GA – Krista Rittenhouse....

Inside Athletics: March 1, 2013

In this week’s “Inside Athletics” podcast, James runs the ship as Dave is in Newport News with the women’s basketball team at the NCAA Tournament. James talks about the up-and-down stretch for the women’s basketball team as they lost in the ODAC Championship game, but then found out 24 hours later they got an at-large....

“Biblical reflections on the call and challenge of modern day missions” – Fr. Richard Baawobr

Fr. Richard Baawobr reflects on modern day missions as he addresses Chapel Gathering in the Seminary. Born in Ghana in 1959, Richard Baawobr is a priest member of the Society of Missionaries of Africa. He studied Philosophy in Ghana, Spirituality in Switzerland, Theology at the Missionary Institute of London. After his priestly ordination, he worked....

“The Most Important Thing you Can Learn in a Christian University” – Ervin Stutzman

Hear what Dr. Ervin Stutzman, Executive Director of Mennonite Church USA and former dean of Eastern Mennonite Seminary, suggests is the most important thing you can learn in a Christian university.  This chapel concludes the major public events of Ervin’s two-day visit to the University to engage various groups on campus, including a Q&A discussion....

Seminary Capstone Presentation – Nathaniel Daniel

Nathaniel Daniel, A Dangerous Faith: Addiction Ministry and Societal Pushback in Our Back Yard Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects.....