Chapel Gathering in the Seminary: Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers

Join with the Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers as the recite sections of the Christmas story from scripture, interspersed with music.  From their website: “We are a group of biblical storytellers from varied Christian traditions who have banded together to use our gifts to share the Bible in a way that many have not heard before. ....

Chapel Gathering in the Seminary: N.T. Wright

The Spirit and the Church’s Task (John 16:4b-15) N.T. Wright, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at University of Saint Andrews, addresses seminary chapel in Martin Chapel (Seminary Building) for the annual Augsburger Lecture Series. A Q&A takes place from 11:45-Noon. Complete schedule found here. The Augsburger Lectureship provides resources to annually bring to campus a....

Chapel Gathering in the Seminary: Bruxy Cavey

THE RORSCHACH BIBLE Bruxy Cavey is the senior pastor at The Meeting House, a church for people who aren’t into church. The Meeting House is a multisite Anabaptist congregation in Ontario, Canada where thousands of people connect to God and each other through Sunday services, online interaction, and a widespread house church network. (You can learn more about....

Opening Seminary Convocation Worship “Christian Leadership in a Divided World”–Dr. Sue Cockley

Dr. Sue Cockley, Dean of Eastern Mennonite Seminary, opens the EMS Fall 2018 Semester with her convocation address, “Christian Leadership in a Divided World.”

2018 Centennial Commencement

EMU celebrates the University’s 100th Annual Commencement. 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee offers the Commencement address.  Graduate perspectives are shared by Harrison Horst, Keyri Lopez-Godoy, James Ramsey, Sabrina Burress, and Sarah Bailey.

2018 Undergraduate Baccalaureate

EMU celebrates the University’s 100th Annual Commencement in this Baccalaureate Service. Dr. Judy Mullet, professor of psychology, addresses the graduates with her speech titled “Seek Simplicity, and Distrust It”.  Senior class co-presidents Emily Augsburger and Dan Zook offer Senior Class Salutations.

“Cords of Distinction” Ceremony 2018

The Cords of Distinction award honors the efforts of graduating students who have made outstanding contributions to the university, community or society. The Blue cord represents strength of conviction that one person can help to create a better institution; also willingness and openness to share thoughts and ideas. The Gold cord represents love of spirit and yearning....