The Cords of Distinction award honors the efforts of graduating students who have made outstanding contributions to the university, community or society.
The Blue cord represents strength of conviction that one person can help to create a better institution; also willingness and openness to share thoughts and ideas.
The Gold cord represents love of spirit and yearning towards creating a better university community in which all can take part; gold is also the color of achievement.
This years recipients of the Cords of Distinction are:
–Christine Baer, major in Peacebuilding & Development, Environmental Sustainability, from Elizabethtown, PA
–Aaron Erb, major in Peacebuilding & Development, from Harrisonburg, VA
–Laura Glick, major in Social Work, from Lancaster, PA
–Nicole Groff, major in Biology, from Lancaster, PA
–Ardi Hermawan, major in Nursing, from Parsurvan, Indonesia
–Rose Jantzi, major in Liberal Arts/Elementary Education, from Harrisonburg, VA
–Litza Laboriel, major in Social Work, from Trujillo, Honduras
–Krista Nyce, major in Psychology, from Harrisonburg, VA
–Melody Tobin, major in Liberal Arts/Elementary Education, from Harrisonburg, VA
–Brandon Waggy, major in Peacebuilding & Development, Biblical Studies, from South Bend, IN