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Funding Initiative Program
Bowman Golf Endowment Athletics
Loyal Royal Athletic Department Endowed Program Athletics
Darrel J Brubaker Memorial Scholarship Bible and Religion
Edwin A & Ruth K Souder Endowed Scholarship Bible and Religion
Haverim Endowed Scholarship Bible and Religion
Howard L Histand Endowed Bible Scholarship Bible and Religion
John L Stauffer President's Scholarship Bible and Religion
Longenecker Family Endowed Grant Bible and Religion
Myron Augsburger 5th President's Endowed Scholarship Bible and Religion
Paul R Sr & Grace W Yoder Endowed Scholarship Bible and Religion
Calvin W & Freda Redekop Endowed International Scholarship Business
Carl S Sauder Memorial Business Scholarship Business
E Robert & Elva M Bare Endowed Scholarship Business
EMU Business Scholarship Business
GW & Osa Henderson Memorial Scholarship Business
Horace W & Elizabeth G Longacre Business Scholarship Business
JB & Ida Miller Endowed Business Scholarship Business
John & Ruth Bare Endowed Business Scholarship Business
Rodney D Longacre Memorial Endowed Scholarship Business
John & Kathryn Fairfield Endowment Center for Interfaith Engagement
Ray & Wilma Gingerich Family Endowment for Interfaith Engagement Center for Interfaith Engagement
Adam Herr Baer Endowment for CJP CJP
Allen Grant Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship CJP
Alper Family Endowed Scholarship CJP
CK Lehman Endowed Scholarship Fund for the CJP CJP
Creating Earth Wholeness Endowed Scholarship Fund CJP
Detweiler Lesher Center for Justice & Peacebuilding Endowed Scholarship CJP
Donald L & Lillian E Goodwin Endowed Scholarship CJP
Gascho, Joseph and Barbara CJP ES CJP
Gerald & Ethel Shank Family Endowed Schol Fund for Peacebuilding CJP
HD Swartzendruber Family Endowed Scholarship CJP
Indee Endowed Scholarship for International Students CJP
J Harold Zook Endowment for CJP CJP
John E & Betty J Kreider Endowed Scholarship for CJP CJP
John & Kathryn Fairfield Endowment for CJP CJP
John Paul & Wendy Lederach Endowed Scholarship CJP
Kay Koontz Gillette Endowed Scholarship CJP
Luke 4:18 Endowed Scholarship Fund CJP
Mennonite Fellowship at MSU Endowed Scholarship Fund CJP
Michael J (MJ) Sharp Peace & Justice Endowed Scholarship CJP
Norman & Alice Clemmer Rittenhouse End Schol for World Peace CJP
Payne Creative Initiatives Endowment CJP
Payne Family Endowed Scholarship CJP
Payne MA in Conflict Resolution Program Endowment CJP
R Bradley and Mary Ellen Chewning Endowed Scholarship Fund CJP
Rose Landis Baer & Gerald R Baer Endowed Scholarship CJP
Samuel H and Helen W Weaver Endowed Schol Fund for Peacebuilding CJP
SaraLisa Rae Miller Endowed Scholarship Fund for Peacebuilding CJP
Shenk (James and Donna) Mack End Schol Fund for Peacebuilding CJP
Titus and Ann Bender Scholarship Fund for Justice & Peacebuilding CJP
Winston Fellows Program CJP
Women in Engineering and Computer Science Endowed Scholarship Computer or Engineering Major
Amos D Wenger President's Endowed Scholarship Education
Arlene Leatherman Endowed Scholarship Education
Bertha Roggie & Claire Roggie Endowed Scholarship Education
Charles & Joyce Longacre Brubaker Memorial Scholarship Education
D Jonathan Dutcher Teacher Education Endowment Fund Education
David H Lehman Family Endowed Scholarship Education
Dayton & Ruth Steiner Endowed Scholarship Education
E Grant & Sara Herr Endowed Scholarship Education
Estep/Turner Endowed Scholarship Education
Esther Metzler Martin Endowed Scholarship Education
J Lester & Lois Byler Brubaker Endowed Scholarship Education
Jesse T & Betty Byler Endowed Scholarship Education
Jesse T Byler Program Endowment Education
Joanna Mae Steckley Memorial Scholarship Education
John R Mumaw Endowed Scholarship Education
Joseph & Nancy Noll Mast Endowed Scholarship Education
Kathryn Seitz Endowed Scholarship Education
Kenneth B & Lois H Noll Endowed Scholarship Education
Lee M. Yoder and LaVerne Zehr Yoder Edu Endowed Scholarship Fund Education
Linda Alderfer Martin & Vernon Martin Early Education End Scholar Education
Linda Heatwole Bland Endowed Scholarship Education
Mary Louise Miller Memorial Endowed Education Scholarship Education
Maxine Troyer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Education
Mervin & Fern Hostetler Endowed Educational Scholarship Education
Naomi W Keiper Endowed Scholarship Education
Paul T & Marjorie Guengerich Endowed Scholarship Education
Richard & Doris Souder Morgan Endowed Scholarship Education
Robel Education Endowed Scholarship Education
Robel Math-Secondary Education Endowed Scholarship Education
Sanford & Gloria Snider Endowed Scholarship Education
Sara Ann Hess Showalter Memorial Scholarship Education
Willis C & Katherine Hertzler Hallman Endowed Scholarship Education
Aaron & Esther Brubaker International Endowed Grant Fund General
Alderfer Family Endowed Scholarship General
Aldon G Stogdale Memorial Scholarship General
Alumni Scholarship General
American Minority Scholarship General
Bruce Chadwick Hatter Endowed Scholarship General
C Clayton Hartzler Endowed Scholarship General
Catherine R Mumaw Endowed Scholarship General
CF Derstine Endowed Scholarship General
Christopher Dock Valedictorian/Salutatorian Scholarship General
Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship General
Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship General
Copernicus Group Endowed Scholarship General
Delaware/Maryland Endowed Scholarship General
Donald & Evelyn Hertzler Endowed Scholarship General
Edith & Marilyn Steinbright Endowed Scholarship General
Edmund Bannerman Memorial Endowed Scholarship General
Elizabeth H Landis Memorial Endowed Scholarship General
EMU Endowed Benevolent Fund General
EMU Endowed Grant-in-Aid Scholarship General
Endowed Florida Scholarship Aid Fund General
Esther Mosemann Mumaw Memorial Scholarship General
Frederick Beazley Endowed Scholars Grant General
Grant M Stoltzfus Endowed Scholarship General
Greg & Ellen Lacher Endowed Scholarship General
Gregory A Boyd Christus Victor Endowed Scholarship General
Harry Brunk Historical Library Endowment General
Hostetler Endowed Fund for Faculty Release Time General
Hugh & Connie Westfall Endowed Scholarship General
I Erwin & Nora E Yothers Endowed Scholarship General
International Student Scholarship General
Ira E & Helen B Miller Endowed Scholarship General
Ivan M & Irene N Martin Endowed Scholarship General
J. Leonard Hartman Endowed Aviation Scholarship Fund General
Jacob B Smith President's Scholarship General
Jan Mayer Glanzer Endowed Scholarship General
John A & Ruth S Lehman Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship General
John E & Edith R Lapp Endowed Scholarship General
John W & Mary Ann Martin Endowed Scholarship General
Joseph Lamar Lapp Seventh President's Endowed Scholarship General
Joseph & Milton Kraus Memorial Endowed Scholarship General
Jubilee Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund General
Justus & Virginia Weaver Driver Endowed Scholarship General
Lancaster County Endowed Scholarship General
Loren & Pat Swartzendruber Endowed Scholarship General
Lucy Vance Endowed Scholarship General
M & M Souder Endowed Scholarship General
Marilyn Hartline Endowed Scholarship General
Matthew Garber Endowed Scholarship General
Miles B & Anna G Landis Endowed Scholarship General
Miriam E Krantz Endowed Scholarship General
Myron S Augsburger Lecture Series Endowment General
Native American Endowed Scholarship General
Norman & Arvilla Souder International Student Scholarship General
Orie Miller Global Village Center General
Paul Hill Endowed Scholarship General
Paul M Longacre Food & Environment Endowed Scholarship General
R Clair & Anna May Weaver Endowed Scholarship General
R Melvin & Nola M Harnish Endowed Scholarship General
Richard C Detweiler 6th President's Endowed Scholarship General
Richard M Whitmore Endowed Scholarship General
Sarah W Hedrick Endowed Scholarship General
Sauder President's Scholarship Fund General
Scottdale Mennonite Church Endowed Grant Fund General
SGA Need-Based Scholarship Endowment General
Showalter Ministry Inquiry Program Endowed Scholarship Fund General
Stuart W & Shirley Hershey Showalter Weather Vane Endowed Scholarship General
Victor F Weaver Pennsylvania Endowed Scholarship General
Virginia Collegium Endowed Scholarship General
Wai-Ying Chan Endowed Scholarship General
Warren Braun, Jr Endowed Scholarship General
WCSC 40th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship General
William H & Helene Knight Endowed Scholarship General
John H & Elsie Hess Family Endowment Graduate Counseling
Albert Keim History Lectureship Endowment History Dept
Honors Endowed Scholarship Honors
Jeff & Vicky Hostetler Endowed Scholarship Honors
Dr. Ivan V. and Leah Kennel Magal Endowed Scholarship International Students
Ernest G Gehman Endowed Scholarship Language and Literature
Hartman Language and Literature Program Language and Literature
Hubert R & Mildred K Pellman Endowed Literature Scholarship Language and Literature
Intensive English Program Language and Literature
Lela F Snyder Program Endowment Language and Literature
LeRoy & Elizabeth Lauver Pellman Endowed Scholarship Language and Literature
Pellman Language and Literature Program Language and Literature
Virginia Glass Schlabach Endowed Scholarship Language and Literature
Brenneman-Longacher Math Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Carl G & Louise M Showalter Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Clarence & Helen Rutt Endowed Scholarship for Science Math and Science
CT Assist Endowed Scholarship Fund Math and Science
Daniel B & Grace F Suter Scholarship Math and Science
Dr & Mrs Robert E Collins Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Dr David J & Jane L Hooley Endowed Scholarship Fund Math and Science
Elton & Phyllis Lehman Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Glenn Kauffman Chemistry Program Math and Science
H D H & Flora Showalter Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Harry L King Endowed Pre-Professional Health Science Scholarship Math and Science
Henneberger SVCC Endowment Math and Science
John D & Mary A Martin Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
M Lloyd & Sara Weaver Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
N LeRoy & Catherine A Lapp Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Robert D Yoder Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Roy E & Esther S Wert Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Suter Program Endowment Math and Science
Suter Science Center Endowment Math and Science
Walter & Mae Schlabach Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Women in Engineering and Computer Science Endowed Scholarship Math and Science
Bach Festival Endowment Music
Carol L Longacre Endowed Scholarship Music
Deal-Thomas Families Endowment Music
Earl Maust Memorial Endowed Scholarship Music
Encore Endowed Scholarship Music
Hubert & Elton Stearn Estep Endowed Music Scholarship Music
J Donald & Jewell Yoder Shenk Endowed Scholarship Music
John Carl & Jewel Harman Shenk Endowed Music Scholarship Music
Julia Blough Music Endowed Scholarship Music
Karen Albrecht Minter Endowed Scholarship Music
Saloma Bare Graber Theater Endowment Music
Sherwood Music Program Endowment Music
Beryl Hartzler Brubaker Nursing Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Biedler H & Dorsilla R Higgs Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Croushorn Family Endowed Scholarship Nursing
EMU Nursing Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Flynn Nursing Program Endowment Nursing
Gary & Patricia Martin Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Lisa Haverstick Endowed Memorial Nursing Laboratory Nursing
M Elaine Zuck Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Marjorie V Burkholder Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Michael B Burgard Memorial Scholarship Nursing
Nursing Program Nursing
Rhoda E Nolt Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Sharon Trauger Ambrose Endowed Nursing Scholarship Fund Nursing
Teresa Boshart Yoder, RN,MSN & Family Nursing Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Transformative Nursing Grant Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Willis C & Katherine Hertzler Hallman Endowed Scholarship Nursing
Lehman, Brenneman, Mullet Endowed Scholarship for Psychology Psychology
Sandra and Glen Kauffman Endowed Education Scholarship Secondary Education/Math
A Don & Martha Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Alpha & Omega Scholarship Seminary
Amos C Gerig Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Arthur K & Lizzie Hackman Endowed Evangelism Fund Seminary
B Charles & Grace B Hostetter Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Barbara Martin Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Branch-Conrad Endowed Scholarship Seminary
CD & Vergie Lantz Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Chester L & Sara Jane Wenger Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Clyde & Beulah Fulmer Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Dan & Grace Blosser Evangelism Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Dean & Edna Hochstetler Endowed Education Fund Seminary
Dorothy Jean Weaver Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Dr Lonnie & Teresa Boshart Yoder Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Earl & Emma Byler King Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Earl R & Emma S Delp CECP Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Elmo & Edith Piper Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Esther K Lehman Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Ethel L Mellinger Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Frank & Erica Shirk Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
George T & Grace K Miller Hispanic Ministry Scholarship Seminary
Geraldine Estep Sherwood Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Glendon & Dorothy Blosser Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Herman Reitz Memorial Endowed Scholarship Seminary
H R Schertz Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Howard D & Irene G Showalter Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Howard Histand CECP Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Irvin & Margaret Cordell Endowed Scholarship Seminary
J Charles & Susan S Dameron Seminary Endowed Scholarship Fund Seminary
Jacob A & Lucy Wenger Shenk Endowed Seminary Scholarship Seminary
John A & Ruth S Lehman Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
John F Grove Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
John R & Marian S Martin Endowed Seminary Scholarship Seminary
John Wesley Endowed Seminary Scholarship Seminary
Kelifa Ali Memorial Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Lancaster Connections Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Lavonda J Kreider Memorial Scholarship Seminary
Lewis & Mary Coss Church Leadership Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Lewis & Ethel Strite Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Lewis E & Ethel S Strite Endowment for Preaching and Leadership Seminary
Linden M & Esther H Wenger Seminary Scholarship Seminary
Lowell & Jueldine Rupp Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Lydia Slabaugh Martin Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Mahlon & Pauline Blosser Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Marvin & Delores Nolt Evangelism & Church Planting Scholarship Seminary
Mary Elizabeth Kite Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Michael & Louise Blosser Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Miller-Howe Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Orie O & Elta Wolf Miller Endowed Grant Fund Seminary
Maggie Hamblen Wynne Endowed Seminary Scholarship Seminary
Margaret & Mary Florence Shenk Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Margaret Elizabeth Pepper Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Mary M & Emma F Showalter Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Miriam L Weaver Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Myron Augsburger Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Myron S and Esther K Augsburger Endowed Scholarship for Urban Ministry Seminary
N LeRoy & Catherine A Lapp Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Nelson & Gloria Swope Seminary Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Nora Hostetter Internship for Mission Seminary
Norman G & Jean Kraybill Shenk Seminary Scholarship Seminary
Norman H & Virginia M Derstine Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Paul M & Beatrice Roth Pastoral Ministry Scholarship Seminary
Paul T & Daisy B Yoder Seminary Scholarship Seminary
Richard & Doris Souder Morgan Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Richard & Jorene Martin Leadership Endowment Seminary
Roy & Ruth Martin Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Roy D & Victoria R Simmons Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Samuel O & Sarah A Weaver Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Sem W & Ruby K Swope Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Seminary Building Endowment Seminary
Seminary CPE Program Endowment Seminary
Seminary Endowment General Seminary
Seminary Endowment Quasi Seminary
Seminary Grant-in-Aid Scholarship Seminary
Thomas & Nancy Coffman Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Urie & Miriam Peachey Family Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Walter & Leanne Smith Anabaptist Heritage Scholarship Endowment Seminary
Walter & Leanne Smith Endowed Anabaptist Heritage Fund Seminary
Warren & Linda Tyson Pastoral Leadership Endowed Scholarship Seminary
Wellington & Frances Cassel Endowed Internship Seminary
Otto Hostetter Family Endowed Scholarship University Students of Color/General
Matthew Alan Styer Endowed VACA Scholarship Visual and Communication Arts
Phillip & Joann Grayson Endowed Theater Artist & Scholar Award Visual and Communication Arts

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