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Ron Shultz

POSITION: Associate Professor of Elementary Education

School of Social Sciences and Professions

LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | CC 212

PHONE: (540) 432-4334

Dr. Ron Shultz is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education and the Coordinator for the PK-6 Elementary Education Program. He also serves as the Field Placement Coordinator for the department. He earned a B.S. degree in Liberal Arts studies from Eastern Mennonite University with a PK-8 teaching certification, an M.A. in Education from Millersville University, and a Ph.D. George Mason University with a focus on teacher education and multicultural/multilingual education. His previous teaching experiences include one year as a middle school teacher and five years as a fourth-grade classroom teacher in Pennsylvania. Ron also taught fourth grade for two years in Virginia. He has served for six years as a teacher and administrator while helping to begin a Christian school in Cusco, Peru, working with students from preschool through sixth grade. Ron has been teaching in the Education Department at EMU since the fall of 2011. In addition to preparing future elementary teachers, Ron's research interests include bilingual education, culturally responsive teaching, and mentorship of pre-service teachers.


BS, Eastern Mennonite University
MED, Millersville University
PHD, George Mason University (Education)

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