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Mike Medley

POSITION: Professor Emeritus/English


Mike Medley chaired the Department of Language and Literature from August 2013 to June 2017. Within the department, he coordinated the minor in teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) and regularly taught courses TESOL and general education courses in writing and speech.  He also served as adviser for international students in EMU’s Bridge Program.  He specializes in language and culture, English grammar, and methods of language teaching.

Prior to returning to teaching full-time in 2009, Medley served for 10 years as director of EMU’s Intensive English Program . He published in TESOL Journal, SPELT Journal, CELEA News, College Teaching, Christian Scholar’s Review, Global Issues in Language Education, and the International Journal of Christianity and English Language Teaching. His article on language teaching as a peace-building endeavor appeard in the TESOL publication Social Justice in English Language Teaching (2016). He authored a course prepared especially for intermediate and advance level learners of English entitled Resilience: Bouncing Back through English (Westbow Press, 2017).

He is co-author and editor of a popular teacher resource manual How to Teach English: A Survival Kit for Teachers of English at the Early Stages, which was published in Pakistan (1994) where he and his family lived and worked from 1983-94.

Current research interests include the second language acquisition experiences of trauma-affected learners and strategies for teaching such learners; teaching culture and intercultural communication as a means of peacebuilding; scaffolding English language learners’ access to academic language in complex texts; and the use of systemic functional grammar as a tool for analyzing English learners' language development. 


BA, Geneva College (Bibical Studies & English)
MA, Western Kentucky University (Humanities)
MA, Indiana University (Linguistics)
PHD, Indiana University (English)

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