POSITION: Professor of Counseling
School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling
LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | SB 029
PHONE: (540) 432-4228
Cheree` Hammond received a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Virginia and an MA and Ed.S. in Counseling Psychology from James Madison University. She completed a certification in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy from the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy in 2013 and has completed teacher training in Mindful Self-Compassion through the University of California. Her counseling experience includes work with children, adolescents and their families. Cheree’s counseling, teaching and research interests include Buddhist psychology, contemplative psychotherapy and counseling theories and supporting counseling trainees in cultivating ethical and socially just diagnostic skills. Cheree` enjoys meditation, gardening, studying classical Tibetan and watching sci-fi with her husband, Scott, and her two children.
BA, Colorado Mesa University (Political Science)
MA, James Madison University (Counseling Psychology)
PHD, University of Virginia (Counselor Education)
Hammond, C. (2024). Sleep hygiene. In Freedman-Wheeler, D., Wenzel, A., Arora, P., & Ngounene-Atioky, A., SAGE Encyclopedia of Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Press.
Hammond, C., & Cline, J. (2024). Cyclothymic Disorder. In Freedman-Wheeler, D., Wenzel, A., Arora, P., & Ngounene-Atioky, A., SAGE Encyclopedia of Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Press.
Hammond, C., & Cline, J. (2024). Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders: Treatment. In Freedman-Wheeler, D., Wenzel, A., Arora, P., & Ngounene-Atioky, A., SAGE Encyclopedia of Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Press.
Hammond, C. (2021). Diagnostic Essentials in Psychopathology: A Case-Based Approach. NY: Sage.
Hammond, C. (2015). The Justification Process: A Teaching Tool for Diagnosis Using the DSM 5. Virginia Counseling Journal.
Hammond, C. (2015). Contemplative psychotherapy. In E. Neukrug, Encyclopedia of Counseling Theories. NY: Sage.
Hammond, C. (2015). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. In E. Neukrug, Encyclopedia of counseling theories. NY: Sage.
Hammond, C. (2015). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. In E. Neukrug, Encyclopedia of counseling theories. NY: Sage.
Hammond, C. (2015). Mindfulness Techniques. In E. Neukrug, Encyclopedia of counseling theories. NY: Sage.
Hammond, C. (2015). Contemplative psychotherapy with adolescents, Theory Corner, Central Valley Counselor’s Association Newsletter.
Hammond, C., & Czyszczon, G. (2013). Home-Based family counseling: An Emerging field in need of professionalization, Family Journal, 22(1), 56-61. doi 10.1177/1066480713505055.
Hammond, C. (2011). Very early memories: Connecting early interests to interests today, in Ed Neukrug, E., The World of the Counselor, 4th ed.
Cashwell, C., Glosoff, H., & Hammond, C. (2010). Spiritual bypass: A preliminary study. Counseling and Values 54 (2) p. 162-174.
Hammond, C. L. (2010). Case Study: The Miller family. In E. Neukrug Counseling theory and practice, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. (This initial case study is followed by individual case studies that accompany each theory chapter, pg. 551-615.)
Hammond, C. L. (2010). Self Psychology. In E. Neukrug Counseling theory and practice, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company (pg. 460.)
Hammond, C.L. and Neukrug, E., (2010). Intersubjectivity. In E. Neukrug Counseling theory and Practice, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company (pg 460-462.)
Hammond, C., & Echterling, L. (2008). Factitious disorders. In B.T. Erford (Ed.). The ACA encyclopedia of counseling. American Counseling Association (Ed.) Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Hammond, C., Cline, J., Czyszczon, G., and Horst, M. (2022). A Passion for theories: A collaborative experiential pedagogy using original sources, Southern Association of Counselor Educators, Baltimore, MD.
Haase, T., & Hammond, C. (Spring, 2018). Clinical supervision in Virginia: A 20 hour training sponsored by the Virginia Counseling Association, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Hammond, C., Brubaker, M., & Peifer, R. (Fall, 2017). Altered books: An expressive arts platform for working with anxiety. Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Haase, T., & Hammond, C. (Fall, 2017). Clinical supervision in Virginia: A 20 hour training sponsored by the Virginia Counseling Association, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Early, A., Hammond, C., and Haase, T. (2017). Lessons from Wisdom Teachers: First Person Accounts of Healing and Transformation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Counselors Association, The Homestead Resort, Hot Springs, VA.
Hasse, T., Hammond, C., Staton, R., & Long, K. (2016). Influential Women Who have Shaped Our Profession. A presentation at the biannual meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors in New Orleans.
Hammond, C. (April, 2016). Mindfulness and the Cultivation of Focus and Connectedness: A Breakout Session at the Emotional Intelligence and the Power of Focus, at Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Hammond, C. (November, 2015). Contemplative Psychotherapy with Adolescents Struggling with Anxiety, a presentation at the annual meeting of Virginia Counseling Association.
Hammond, C. (November, 2015). The Justification Process: A Tool for Building Accuracy, Confidence and Ethical Practice in Diagnostics, a presentation at the annual meeting of Virginia Counseling Association.
Horst, M. & Hammond, C. (November, 2015). Meditation on the cushion and off: How meditation and mindfulness affect therapeutic relationships, a presentation at the annual meeting of Virginia Counseling Association.
Hammond, C. (October, 2015). Contemplative Pedagogies and the Cultivation of a Just and Peaceful Self, Peace and Justice Studies Association annual conference, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Hammond, C. & Haase, T. (October, 2015). The use of contemplative group supervision with practicum students: Deepening cultural competence. To be presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Philadelphia, PA.
Hammond, C. & Haase, T., (2014). An experiential classroom treasurebox for counselor educators. Presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Birmingham, AL.
Haase, T.J., Early, A., Hammond, C. L. & Koser, N. (November, 2013). Through Different lenses: Drawing from psychoanalysis, attachment theory, multicultural perspective, and person-centered theory to work through a single case, a presentation at the annual meeting of Virginia Counseling Association.
Hammond, C.L. (November, 2013). Therapeutic collaboration with foster parents: Supporting clients struggling with difficult behaviors, a presentation at the annual meeting of Virginia Counseling Association.
Hammond, C.L., Haase, T.J., & Early, A. (October, 2013 Accepted). Cultivating growth through collaboration: Exploring the Successful Remediation Processes, a presentation at the annual meeting of American Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Denver, CO. (Round Table, unable to attend)
Hammond, C. L. (2013, February). Shifting attitudes around the notion of White Privilege: A model, a presentation at the 12th Annual Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling and Education Conference, Savannah, GA.
Hammond, C. L. (2012, November). Contemplative psychotherapy in the treatment of depression: Conceptualization, treatment and relapse prevention, a presentation at the Virginia Counselor’s Association conference, Fredericksburg, VA.
Hartman, L. & Hammond, C. (2012). Undoing racism and advancing intercultural transformation. Whitestone Mennonite Church, Heston, KS.
Hammond, C. L. (2011, November). Reducing intern anxiety and promoting self-awareness: Enacting applied Buddhist psychology in the supervision setting, a presentation at the annual meeting of the American Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Nashville, TN.
Czyszczon, G., & Hammond, C. (2011, March). Home-Based Family Counseling: An Emerging Field in Need of Professionalization, American Counseling Association Conference in New Orleans.
Hammond, C. L. (2010, April). Straddling Two Worlds: Children & Adolescents of Multi-racial or Bi-cultural Decent. Mental Health Professions Continuing Education Series, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Hammond, C. L. (2010, March). Understanding White Attitude Shift Around the Notion of White Privilege: A Conceptual Framework. A presentation at the 4th Annual Diversity Conference at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Meixner, C., & Hammond, C. (2010, March). Allied Faculty Dialogue: Making Sense of Privilege, Power and Personal Responsibility in the Classroom. A presentation at the 4th Annual Diversity Conference at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Lopez-Baes, S. & Hammond, C. L. (2009, November). Multicultural Counseling: Understanding ethnorelativism, constructive marginality and neurosequential development as factors that influence resistance. A presentation at the annual meeting of the Virginia Counselor’s Association in Williamsburg, VA.
Hammond, C. L. (2009, November). White Privilege Engagement: An Exploration of White Student Attitude Shift Dynamics Around the Notion of White Privilege. A presentation at the annual meeting of American Counselor Educators and Supervisors, San Diego, CA. (Accepted)
Hammond, C. L. (2009, October) Attitude Shift Around the Notion of White Privilege: A Model and Its Implications for Educators. A presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association of Multicultural Educators, Denver, CO. (Accepted)
Hammond, C. L. (2008, September). From color-blind to color-rich: Learning to talk about race. A presentation at the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services: Cultural & Linguistic Competencies Conference, Portsmouth, VA.
Cashwell C., Glosoff, H., & Hammond, C. (2008, April). Spiritual bypass: A preliminary study of college students. A presentation at the meeting of the American Counselors Association, Hawaii. (Listed co-presenter, unable to attend.)
Hammond, C. L. (2008, February). The personal as political: A case study in early efforts in social justice advocacy and peace-building. A presentation at the meeting of the Virginia Association of Counseling Education and Supervisors, Blacksburg, VA.
Hammond, C. L. (2007, November). A new frontier: Understanding and intervening in the changing topography of Asperger’s syndrome/high functioning autism in adolescence. A presentation at the meeting of the Virginia Counselor’s Association, Portsmouth, VA.
Glosoff, H., & Hammond, C. L. (2007, October). Spiritual bypass: A preliminary study of college students. A poster session at the meeting of the American Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Detroit, MI.
Hammond, C. L. (2007, February). An existential lens on counseling relationships with clients with multiracial and/or second generation experiences. A presentation at the meeting of the Virginia Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Roanoke, VA.
Hammond, C. L. (2004, February). Understanding high functioning autism. A presentation at the meeting of the Virginia Central Valley Counselor’s Association, Harrisonburg, VA.
Hammond, C.L. (2002, November). Keys to the fortress: Augmentive in-home therapy for autistic spectrum disorders. A presentation at the meeting of the Virginia Counselor’s Association, Williamsburg, VA.
Hammond, C. L., & Sirocky, A., (2000, November). Caring for caregivers: Support for families responding to the crisis of one of its members. A presentation at the Virginia Counselor’s Association, Roanoke, VA.
2023-Spring 2024 Faculty Scholarship Committee Chair
2022-2023 Gemeinschaft Board of Directors, Member
Fall 2022- 2024 Faculty Scholarship Committee
Fall 2021-2022 Faculty Scholarship Committee, Chair
Fall 2021-Present Academic Review Committee
May 2021 Mindfulness and Meditation: A Four-Part Workshop for Faculty and Staff
May 2020 Grief Support for Mental Health Professionals: A Support Group, in Partnership with Hospice of the Piedmont
May 2020 Meditation Guest Host, Centered in the Valley: Virtual Meditations Offered During Covid
Fall 2019 School of Social Sciences & Professions Colleague Review Committee (CRC)
Fall 2013-2019 Institutional Review Board, (Chair 2016-2018)
Fall 2014-2016 Faculty Senate
Fall 2014-2015 Co-President, Central Valley Counselor’s Association
Spring 2013-2015 Smart Beginnings, Leadership Counsil2013-2015 Eastern Mennonite Schools: Resident in Counseling/Educational Consultant
Fall 2012-2014 Clinical Training Coordinator, MAC
2012-2013 International Leaders in Education program: Counseling support.
2011-2013 May Semester in Florence, James Madison University: Student support.
2012 Central Valley Counselor’s Association, Board Member; Newsletter
2011-Present Healthy Communities Counsel
2010-2011 Committee Member: Counselors for Social Justice Position Statement on the Development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders 5th Edition and Proposed Draft Revisions to the DSM Disorders and Criteria.
2009-Present National Organization for Human Services: Human Service Education, Submissions, Reviewer
Summer 2009 American Counseling Association, Proposal Reviewer for ACA’s 2010 Conference
2009-Present Valley AIDS Network, Board of Directors, Member-at-Large
Spring 2009 Curry Symposium on Race, UVA: Board Member, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
2007-2008 Counselors for Social Justice: Taskforce for Policy Statements: Sub-Committee for Academic Achievement Gaps & Educational Equity K-12, Chair; Sub-Committee for Promoting Human Dignity and Development by Ameliorating Racism, Member
2006-2008 Caregivers Community Network: Advisory Council, Member
2020 Counselor Educator of the Year, Central Valley Counselor’s Association
April 2015 Counselor Educator of the Year, Central Valley Counselor’s Association
March 2010 Provost’s Award for Excellence in Part-Time Teaching: James Madison University
December 2009 (Co-Authored Grant): Innovations in Diversity Education Award: This grant will facilitate training for 30 faculty and graduate students in intergroup dialogue. (In-House $3,500)
Spring 2008 (Co-Authored) In-House CISAT Grant: This grant provided support to two graduate students doing qualitative research in multicultural education
May 2003 Graduate Teaching Award: awarded to the graduate student showing excellence in teaching
May 2002 William Hall Award for Contributions to the Learning Community: “Awarded to the student who has made outstanding contributions to the professional growth of other students through mentorship, shared expertise, presentations at conferences, promoting the values of learning and discovery and significantly advancing the study of counseling.”
American Counseling Association
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
Virginia Counselors Association
September 2024-present Dream School: a year-long course in Jungian Dream Work through This Jungian Life
May 2023: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Level I
Fall 2022: Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy: An Eperiencial Inroduction with Rachel Lincoln
Fall 2022: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Intensive Online Course
Spring 2022 Tibetan Mantra Healing, Level II, Sorig Khang Estonia, Traditional Tibetan Medicine Institute
December 2022: HeartMath Trauma Informed Care, Biofeedback Training
Fall 2021 Tibetan Mantra Healing, Level I, Sorig Khang Estonia, Traditional Tibetan Medicine Institute
December 2019: HeartMath Biofeedback Level I Training
August 2015: Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training, Garrison Institute, lead by Chris Germer and Kristen Neff, Garrison, NY.
December 2014: Mindful Self-Compassion Training, five day intensive at Joshua Tree California, taught by Chris Germer and Kristen Neff
May 2013: Certificate in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, sponsored by the Institute of Meditation and Psychotherapy, a nine month training program
COUN 527 Psychopathology, EMU
COUN 528 Practicum, EMU
COUN 530 Advanced Psychopathology
COUN 547 Counseling Theories
COUN 617 Counseling Children and Adolescents, EMU
COUN 698 Mindfulness & Psychotherapy
Past Courses Taught:
Introduction to Counselor Education (Doctoral Course, JMU)
Advanced Counseling Skills, EMU
Advanced Multicultural Counseling: Counseling Perspectives for Persons of Multiple or Bi-Cultural Heritage (Co-created Course) UVA
Assessment and Evaluation Procedures, EMU
Consultation and Supervision, EMU/JMU
Foundations in Research and Program Evaluation EMU
Human Growth and Development, EMU
Intrnship in Counseling EMU
Multicultural Interventions in Counseling, EMU/JMU
Substance Abuse Counseling EMU
Basic Counseling Skills/Counseling Theories JMU
Child Psychopathology JMU
Ethical Decision-Making in Healthcare: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach
Life-Span Human Development JMU