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Cheree Hammond

POSITION: Professor of Counseling

School of Social Sciences and Professions
Graduate Counseling

LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | SB 029

PHONE: (540) 432-4228

Cheree` Hammond received a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Virginia and an MA and Ed.S. in Counseling Psychology from James Madison University. She completed a certification in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy from the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy in 2013 and has completed teacher training in Mindful Self-Compassion through the University of California. Her counseling experience includes work with children, adolescents and their families. Cheree’s counseling, teaching and research interests include Buddhist psychology, contemplative psychotherapy and counseling theories and supporting counseling trainees in cultivating ethical and socially just diagnostic skills. Cheree` enjoys meditation, gardening, studying classical Tibetan and watching sci-fi with her husband, Scott, and her two children.


BA, Colorado Mesa University (Political Science)
MA, James Madison University (Counseling Psychology)
PHD, University of Virginia (Counselor Education)

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