POSITION: Adjunct Faculty
School of Sciences, Engineering, Art and Nursing
LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | CC 334
PHONE: (540) 432-4192
Beth is a nurse with a PhD in Nursing Science and Research and a Master’s in Public Health Nursing. Beth came to EMU in the Fall of 2019 after returning from serving with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in Kenya as co-respresentative of the Kenya program.
Beth has extensive experience working internationally and previously worked as the Global Health Coordinator for MCC. She and her family have lived in Kinshasa, DRC (1984-1985), Kenya (1989-2001), Bukavu, DRC (2016-2018), and Kenya (2018-2019). Beth’s experience is in the areas of public health in vulnerable settings, trauma healing, sexual gender-based violence, and intercultural awareness and humility.
Beth is ordained and leads the Administrative Leadership Cluster with Virginia Mennonite Conference Faith and Life Committee. She attends Waynesboro Mennonite Church where her husband, Clair is the pastor. Beth has four daughters who all graduated from EMU, four sons-in-law and 8 grandchildren.
MSN, Widener University (CNS, Public Health Nursing)
BS, Eastern Mennonite University (Nursing Science)
PHD, Widener University (Nursing)