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Simone Horst

POSITION: Librarian-Menno Simons Historical Library

Academic Support

LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | LB 301B

PHONE: (540) 432-4178

Simone grew up in Elkhart, IN and came to EMU as an undergraduate. She earned her B.A. in History from EMU in 2012 then went on to earn her MLIS from the University of South Carolina in 2014.

Her interest in EMU’s special collections began her first year of college when she applied for a job as a work-study student in the EMU Archives. She worked as a student in both the EMU Archives and Menno Simons Historical Library for six years prior to becoming the Special Collections Librarian in 2014.

Her research interests include the history of the book, the digitization of library and archival material, Mennonite history, and genealogy.

Simone lives in Harrisonburg with her husband and sons and enjoys gardening, cooking, and reading.


BA, Eastern Mennonite University
MLS, University of South Carolina

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