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Jenni Piper

POSITION: Director of Information Technology

DEPARTMENT: Information Technology

LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | CC 120

PHONE: (540) 432-4477

EMAIL: piperj@emu.edu

Jenni Piper received her masters of organizational leadership and bachelors degree from Eastern Mennonite University in 2018 and 1992. She began working at EMU in the Admissions Office in 1994 processing inquiries. After a couple years she moved into the role of Office Manager. In 1999, she took a break from working at EMU but returned in 2000 to work in the Information Systems department. In her current role of Director of User and Information Services she manages a team of five techs who provide customer service and support for all the technology at EMU.


BS, Eastern Mennonite University
MA, Eastern Mennonite University (Organizational Leadership)

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