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Jim Engle

POSITION: Professor Emeritus/OT


LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | SB 230

Jim has been teaching Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew at EMS since 1984.

His interest in ARCHAEOLOGY colors his teaching. Before coming to EMU Jim participated in archaeological digs for parts of four summers in Jordan and Israel. A Google search on “pillar figurines, Engle” or “Engle, Asherah” will bring up references to a particular area of Jim’s interest.

Jim is fascinated by ETHIOPIAN languages and society which connects to the ancient Hebrew language and society. His marriage to Peg (Groff) Engle, long-time missionary nurse in Ethiopia. has led to several teaching terms at Meserete Kristos College and to the formation of numerous friendships in Ethiopia.

Jim writes SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. His latest contribution to Adult Bible Study (Uniform Lessons) Menno-Media, appeared in Winter 2011-2012.


BA, Messiah University
THB, Mennonite Biblical Seminary
PHD, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

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