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George Brunk III

POSITION: Professor Emeritus/Seminary


LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | SB 225

PHONE: (540) 432-4262

Three loves have motivated the vocational commitments and involvements of George R. Brunk III – scripture, church, and mission. Immediately following seminary study at Eastern Mennonite Seminary he served for six years as a missionary pastor and field administrator in Palermo, Sicily (Italy). The experience awakened appreciation for other languages and cultures, and interest in occasional teaching ministry among newly established churches in other countries. Mission remains a life long interest.

Love for the church has led to leadership opportunities on various levels. Over the years George has served multiple terms as chair of the board of elders in his home congregation. For the greater part of his teaching career at Eastern Mennonite Seminary he also carried administrative duties as seminary dean. Opportunities also came for service at the denominational level. Recently he was called to a one-year term as Interim President of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary.

The love to which George has dedicated the greatest portion of his career is biblical scholarship. At the root of this commitment is a deep respect for the authority and the belief that the church must maintain a vital relationship with this text if it is to be faithful and fruitful. He finds fulfillment in studying both the big picture that holds the Bible together (biblical theology) and the fine linguistic details that disclose its subtleties (original language exegesis). Having reached retirement age, he continues to teach on a part-time basis.

George was first married for forty-one years to Erma Hess. They had two children, Douglas and Valerie. After Erma’s death, he married Ruthann Miller, who was also widowed. Between them they have eleven grandchildren.


BA, Eastern Mennonite University (Bible and Religion)
THB, Eastern Mennonite University (BA of Divinity)
THD, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia (Biblical Studies)

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