Shalom Academy Archive
The Shalom Academy 2024
Theme: Pursuing Community in a Divisive World
Keynote Speakers
Melissa Florer-Bixler is the pastor of Raleigh Mennonite Church, and a graduate of Duke University and Princeton
Theological Seminary. She spent times studying in Israel/Palestine, Kenya, and England.
Much of her formation took place in the L'Arche community of Portland, OR. Now she
prefers the Eno River and her garden in Raleigh, NC. She is the chair of L'Arche North
Carolina and a steering committee member in broad-based organizing in her county.
Melissa's writing has appeared in Christian Century, Sojourners, Geez, Anabaptist Witness, The Bias, Faith&Leadership,and Anabaptist Vision.From time to time she publishes academic writing. She and her spouse parent three
Adam Russell Taylor is president of Sojourners and author of A More Perfect Union: A New Vision for Building the Beloved Community.Taylor previously led the Faith Initiative at the World Bank Group and served as
the vice president in charge of Advocacy at World Vision U.S. and the senior political
director at Sojourners. He has also served as the executive director of Global Justice,
an organization that educates and mobilizes students around global human rights and
economic justice. He was selected for the 2009/2010 class of White House Fellows and
served in the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs and Public Engagement. Taylor
is a graduate of Emory University, the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government,
and the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology. Taylor also serves on the Independent
Sector Board, the Global Advisory Board of Tearfund UK, and is a member of the inaugural
class of the Aspen Institute Civil Society Fellowship. Taylor is ordained in the American
Baptist Church and the Progressive National Baptist Convention and serves in ministry
at the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Va.
School for Leadership Training Archive
Prior to January 2024, the Shalom Academy was regularly held under the name "The School for Leadership Training," perhaps better known by its acronym: SLT.
School for Leadership Training 2023
Creating Communitis of Belonging: Appreciating EveryBODY
When reading 1 Corinthians 12, we are reminded that collectively we are all part of the body of Christ with each individual serving as one part of the larger body. Each body part is mutually dependent and vital to the health of the whole. Our communities of faith require a variety of gifts to thrive. When everyBody is actively included and firmly connected, the whole church benefits and grows stronger. Ministry leaders are in a unique position to advocate for the full inclusion of all people, regardless of physical disabilities, medical conditions, or developmental differences, in our communities of faith.
Speakers included Amy Julia Becker, award-winning writer and speaker on personal, spiritual, and social healing, and
the Rev. Dr. JJ Flag, Associate Minister of Pastoral Care and Justice at Myers Park Baptist Church in
Charlotte, NC. This year also featured a concert by the rewowned musician, Ken Medema, who has inspired people through storytelling and music for four decades.
School for Leadership Training 2022
Theme: Race, Place, and Catastrophe: Becoming Grapevine and Fig Tree Planters in a Time of Crisis
This year's SLT collaborated with the Inverse Podcast community to present “Race, Place, and Catastrophe: Becoming Grapevine and Fig Tree Planters In a Time of Crisis” for a hybrid in-person and virtual conference. Keynote speakers from around the world included Drew G. I. Hart from Harrisburg, PA in the United States (co-host of Inverse Podcast), Jarrod Mckenna from Perth, Australia (co-host and founder of Inverse Podcast), and Carol Ng’ang’a from Nairobi, Kenya (Founder of Msingi Trust and Msingi Talks Podcast). It also included several other in-person and virtual workshops, worship through gospel music, opportunities for group fun and play, and some distinct InVerse way contributions to our time together.
School for Leadership Training 2021
Theme: “From Surviving to Thriving: God Breathes Fresh Hope”
Watch Keynote #1, “Leadership in Desert Places: Stories from the Wilderness”
by Meghan Larissa Good
Watch Keynote #2, “The Great Reset: Church on the Other Side of COVID-19”
by David Fitch
Watch Keynote #3, “Reconciling Presence: Fresh Gospel Opportunities For a Polarized World”
by Michael Gulker
Watch Keynote #4, “Canyon Crossings: Suffering, Endurance, and Christian Hope”
by Meghan Larissa Good
School for Leadership Training 2019
School for Leadership Training 2018
Seminary conference gives space to brokenness, ‘kintsugi clergy’ and ministry in a polarized society
Listen to the podcast of Monday evening's plenary session: “Bridges Crossed, Lessons Learned: My Journey in Leadership” - Iris de León-Hartshorn
School for Leadership Training 2017
School for Leadership Training addresses pastoral responses to a racialized and divided
View photos
Listen to the podcast of Monday evening’s plenary session, “What’s So Good about this Samaritan?: A Christian
Ethic for Navigating Power and Difference” – Christena Cleveland and Drew Hart
School for Leadership Training 2016
‘Oasis’-themed School for Leadership Training revisions the metaphorical desert as
a vital site of growth and rebirth
Podcast- Seasons of Longing- Matt and Liz Myer Boulton
School for Leadership Training 2015
Church leaders discuss challenges of ministering to ‘nones’ and millenials at annual
School for Leadership Training
Podcast- Fear and Courage in a Tiny Church: Reflections on Life in a Small Parish – Lauren
School for Leadership Training 2014
School for Leadership Training 2013
Reflections from Joan and Michael King
School for Leadership Training 2012
Podcasts of plenary speaker Walter Bruggemann