The Prayer Labyrinth at EMU

Students and visitors to Eastern Mennonite University's campus are welcome to pray and meditate on the labyrinth built into the hill close to the seminary building.

What is a Labyrinth?

people walking on a prayer labyrinthA labyrinth is not a maze. In a labyrinth there is a clear path in and out. The labyrinth will assist students and campus visitors in Christian meditation and prayer. In the Middle Ages the labyrinths were used as a way for people to participate in a pilgrimage without the expense or time required in actually going to another place. Labyrinths were created on the floors of cathedrals to help draw people into meditation.

The labyrinth is a pre-Christian symbol, like adorning an evergreen tree with lights at Christmas or the symbol of the cross. Like these and other symbols, Christians have adopted and embraced the symbol of the labyrinth and in effect, have redeemed and baptized it for Christian use. Like most symbols it is primarily the orientation of the user, and not the symbol itself, that dictates whether it is used for harm or good.

The labyrinth at EMU is intended for Christian use. To make that clear we have created a cross in the center out of red river rock. As we walk toward the center, and the cross, we know and are known by Jesus, and we are reminded to center our life on God and God’s purposes. As we walk out again toward the edge, we are mindful of following Jesus in our life in the world.

How is a Labyrinth Used?

A labyrinth helps direct one’s focus toward God. Unlike a maze, which has dead ends and the possibility of getting lost, a labyrinth has a clear path, but it sometimes takes unexpected twists and turns. In this way it resembles the journey of life.

Prayer with a labyrinth has three movements.

  1. As one moves toward the center of the labyrinth the person focuses on letting go of worldly attachments or coming to God with a question.
  2. At the center, the person comes to the center of his or her relationship with God. One may linger in the center of the labyrinth, spending time reflecting on one’s relationship with God and praying.
  3. Eventually, however, the need returns to move out into the world again. As the pilgrim leaves, she or he walks with Jesus back into places of ministry as a renewed person.

Here is another way to use the labyrinth

Additional Resources on Prayer Labyrinths

More resources on labyrinths and their uses are available in the Congregational Resource Center in the Seminary building. Below are a few websites that might guide you in learning more about labyrinths.

About Our Labyrinth

Our Santa Rosa labyrinth was designed by Lea Goode-Harris. Its construction was funded by the Theological Exploration of Vocation grant from the Lilly foundation; and funding for a retaining wall and landscaping was provided by private donors.

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