Our Mission

Eastern Mennonite Seminary nurtures agents of justice and peace by opening spaces for theological learning and practice rooted in Jesus’ radical ministry of beloved community.

A Peace and Justice Seminary

The Shalom Collaboratory at Eastern Mennonite Seminary opens spaces for pastors, lay leaders, nonprofit and community partners, parents and caregivers to learn and experiment with practices to build peace for restored relationships. From webinars and short courses to workshops and clinics, our work integrates spiritual formation and biblical-theological reflection with the skills for restoring relationships and building peace with justice. Learn more here.

Faith, justice and peace perspectives are woven into all disciplines at EMU. We equip students to transform lives and organizations with academic and in-the-field training. Our international network of alumni is focused on healing harms and building peace. Learn more here.

A Community Seeking Beloved Community

We are an Anabaptist, ecumenical, and interfaith community practicing intellectual noncoercion, celebrating diversity of cultures and experiences, and cultivating critical hope amid a plurality of ideas and perspectives.

We are a hermeneutical community engaging critically with texts and traditions, analyzing the dynamics and structures of power, and deepening our understanding of peace with justice.

We are a community of praxis, amplifying marginalized voices and putting peace into practice through solidarity with all creation.

More about Eastern Mennonite Seminary

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