“Homecoming Chapel” — Isabel Castillo ’07

Homecoming Chapel: Still in her 20s, Isabel Castillo ’07 is already a nationally recognized leader of the immigration-law reform movement in the United States. She was the commencement speaker at the University of San Francisco, was called one of “the 21 brave thinkers of 2011” by Atlantic magazine, and was featured prominently in the New....

“A Neighborhood Watch for Trayvon” — David Evans

Dr. David Evans, EMS Assistant Professor of History, Mission, Intercultural and Interfaith Studies, reflects on the high-profile Trayvon Martin shooting in relatively recent news, and he articulates the need for hospitality and getting to know our neighbors. Deuteronomy 10:14-22 and Matthew 7:21-23. Seminary Dean Dr. Michael King has begun to articulate a vision for EMS....

“Abide in My Love” – Ken Medema

Closing Spiritual Life Week, guest musician Ken Medema focuses on the theme “Abide in My Love.” Abide in My Love: Every home needs work. What does our “home” work look like? Stories: What makes it hard to love? Though blind from birth, Ken sees and hears with heart and mind, custom-designing every musical moment of....

“Do What You Love and Please God” – Ken Medema

The Seminary Community and others gather to hear EMU Spiritual Life Week guest Ken Medema focus on the theme “Do What You Love and Please God.” How do we imagine God’s will for our lives? Though blind from birth, Ken sees and hears with heart and mind, custom-designing every musical moment of his performance with....

“Discerning God’s Purposes in Extraordinary Times” — Lawrence Yoder

Dr. Lawrence Yoder, EMS Professor Emeritus of Missiology, explores what it means to “discern God’s purposes in extraordinary times,” drawing from Jeremiah 23:23-32 and Luke 12:49-56. Seminary Dean Dr. Michael King has begun to articulate a vision for EMS as a “Discernment Training Center” (see Convocation, Fall 2012 and Convocation, Fall 2013). This fall semester,....

“The Idolatry of God” – Peter Rollins

Dr. Peter Rollins presents at the September university colloquium on “The Idolatry of God.” Dr.  Rollins, a widely traveled and prominent emerging church theologian and philosopher, hails from Ireland. His current speaking engagements focus on the theme: To believe is human; to doubt divine. He is the author of numerous books, most recently The Idolatry....

“The Orthodox Heretic” – Peter Rollins

Peter Rollins, a widely traveled and prominent emerging church theologian, hails from Ireland. His current speaking engagements focus on the theme: To believe is human; to doubt divine. He is the author of numerous books, most recently The Idolatry of God.

“Instead, Fix Your Attention on God” — Michael King

Michael King, EMU Vice President and Dean of EMS, begins the Seminary’s  Fall 2013 Spiritual Life Week with reflections on Romans 12: “The Counter-Intuitive Miracle.” The theme of Spiritual Life Week is, “Let love be Genuine…A Discerning Journey.” The entire campus community is invited to every chapel service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings....