Chapel Gathering in the Seminary incorporates an order of worship jointly prepared by a group of representatives from different parts of Brazil for The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. This service joins the annual celebration in the Northern Hemisphere of the....
“Running with Shackles” – Jolee Paden
Chapel opens with a video and then Jolee Paden, undergraduate junior and pastoral assistant, teaches on Running with Shackles. Jolee also spoke in chapel on November 1, 2013. Her book Spiritual Runner, a devotional guide, can be purchased online.
“The Morality of Socially Responsible Investing” – Jared Peifer
Dr. Jared Peifer offers the monthly University Colloquium presentation on “The Morality of Socially Responsible Investing.” Peifer is Assistant Professor of Management at the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College in New York. He is an economic sociologist who has done significant research on the economics and sociology of socially responsible investing. (Please note....
“Parable of Workers in the Vineyard” – Duane Yoder
Parables – everyday stories that invite us to confront our worldview, sense of self and God, without providing easy answers. Join Duane Yoder, Pastor at Lindale Mennonite Church, as he teaches the Parable of Workers in the Vineyard, from Matthew 20. Parables is the campus ministry theme for the year.
SLT Opening Keynote: “Fear and Courage in a Tiny Church: Reflections on Life in a Small Parish” – Lauren Winner
Lauren Winner has written of her personal faith journey and is familiar with the issues raised by the School for leadership Training theme of A Church for All Generations in an Age of “Nones”. She opens the 2015 SLT by addressing the intersections and challenges of these two in her keynote, “Fear and Courage in....
MLK, Jr. Celebration Chapel – Dr. Nikitah Okembe-RA Imani
MLK, Jr. Celebration Chapel features the Rev. Dr. Nikitah Okembe-RA Imani preaching on There’s Power in the Blood. Dr. Nikitah Okembe-RA Imani is the professor and chair of the Department of Black Studies. Before joining the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2012, he taught Sociology and African Studies at James Madison University. Dr. Imani....
Chapel Gathering: Civil Disobedience/Divine Obedience: Jesus & MLK’s vision of the Beloved Community
Civil Disobedience/Divine Obedience: Jesus and MLK’s vision of the Beloved Community – A sermon based on Mark 1:4-11, Anton Flores-Maisonet examines the baptism of Jesus as a defining moment when Christ modeled the call for his followers to consider the cost involved in building the Beloved Community.
Glimpses of Conversion: The immigrants’ rights movement in Georgia – Anton Flores-Maisonet
A goal of Gospel nonviolence is not just to secure justice but to also convert the “enemy” of those who suffer injustice. Through captivating story-telling, Anton Flores-Maisonet shares glimpses of when loving nonviolence has brought about glimpses of conversion in the immigrants’ rights movement in Georgia.
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Hymn Sing Chapel – Matt Carlson, Campus Pastor Intern
Matt Carlson leads a Welcome Back Hymn Sing drawing from favorite hymns of the various Christian denominations and traditions represented in our student body. There will be a time of sending for the Middle East Cross-Cultural group.