“From the halls of EMS to the halls of Washington” Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach, Director of Mennonite Central Committee’s US Washington Office and an EMS alumna shares from Matthew 10: 16-20.
“Life from Brokenness” -Jolee Paden
Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Senior Jolee Paden, Pastoral Assistant, explores the suffering that seeks our defeat while God wants it redeemed for His glory. She explores the story of Lazarus and the implications for our lives today as we have the opportunity to rise to new life. This chapel is....
“Reliving Our Traditions” – Carlos Galvan Alemán
Reviviendo Nuestras Tradiciones – Latino Heritage Month Dr. Carlos Galvan Alemán, associate professor of Communication Studies at James Madison University, reflects on contemporary communication of Latino identities, and what it might mean to re-live the traditions of our families and cultures. Senior Alicia Ygarza opens chapel with a vocal solo and poet Marjorie Agosin reads....
The Weight of Transgenerational Trauma – Dr. Marjorie Agosin
“Transgenerational trauma” is trauma that is transferred from the first generation of trauma survivors to the second and further generations of offspring of the survivors via complex post-traumatic stress disorder mechanisms. The descendant of Russian and Austrian Jews who perished in the Pogrom and the Holocaust, Dr. Marjorie Agosin’s family escaped from Vienna, Austria and....
“Prayers of Lament…Refugees are We” – Ahmed Tarik, Jordan Detwiler-Michelson, Myriam Aziz
In Chapel Gathering at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, three students in the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding program at EMU reflect on their experiences in Syria and offer a personal context through which to understand some of the current refugee crisis in the region.
University Colloquium – Dr. Annmarie Early
Annmarie Early, Professor of Counseling at EMU, opens this year’s Colloquium Series with, “The Wisdom of Native Healing Practices.”
“Who do you say that I am?” -Brian Martin Burkholder
Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?” . This compelling and relevant question is being offered by campus ministries this year. University Campus Pastor Brian Martin Burkholder preaches on this text walking us all into consider our response to Jesus asking “Who do you say that I am?
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Beyond: Stories from the Journey
Participants in the May 2015 Seminary Cross-Cultural to Israel/Palestine engage us in worship, stories of their experience, and prayer.
Summer Cross-culturals – Local Contexts and Costa Rica
Hear brief reflections from the summer cross-cultural groups in the Local Context and to Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Who do you say that I am? – Pastoral Assistants
Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?“. This compelling and relevant question is the theme for university chapel and campus ministries this year. Our pastoral assistants (PAs) invite us to engage this question with them. Download the Powerpoint slideshow from the “download” link above to see how various members of the EMU community....