“Loving Enemies” – Rev. Steven D. Martin

Rev. Steven D. Martin is a filmmaker, photographer, interfaith engagement practitioner, ordained Methodist pastor, and Director of Communications and Development for the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC.) He has served United Methodist Churches as pastor for twenty years. His 2005 film for PBS, Theologians Under Hitler  was critically acclaimed and....

“Faithful Sexuality in an Age of Porn” – Ken L. Nafziger

The Sexuality Series continues with Dr. Ken L. Nafziger addressing Faithful Sexuality in an Age of Porn. As a psychologist who both practiced and trained doctoral students, Dr. Nafziger addresses questions about porn such as – Is it a form of safe sex? How does porn affect the brain, erectile dysfunction and real sex? Is....

“Embodiment, Ethics and Christian Athletics” – Scott Strednak Singer

Scott Strednak Singer, doctoral student at Temple University, shares a presentation entitled:“Embodiment, Ethics and Christian Athletics” Scott is a PhD candidate in religious studies at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. His doctoral research focuses on American evangelicalism and athletics in the late 20th century, highlighting the way evangelical communities use athletic performances as a means....

Homecoming Worship Service 2016

Ken J. Nafziger and the EMU Chamber Singers lead this service of worship during Homecoming 2016 in which this year’s Alumni Award recipients reflect on Micah 6:8. “He has told you, O mortal, what is good;     and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,     and to walk....

“A capella Voices Unite” – Homecoming 2016

Enjoy the rich sounds of alumni vocal groups Shekinah, Good Company, Bellaccord, and current student group, Emulate, under the direction of Dr. Ryan Keebaugh, assistant professor of music.

Homecoming Chapel: “Incarnational Presence: being with those in need” – 2016 Alumni Award Recipients

2016 EMU Distinguished Service Award recipients share from their service and leadership roles engaging therapy work with distressed families and individuals at Gould Farm for the past 35 years. 2016 Young Alum of the Year recipient, shares about her work in through video. Emulate offers several musical selections.