Dave Mansfield, Seminary student, brings us a message – as part of the Foundation for Christian Preaching course.
University Colloquium: Cathy Smeltzer Erb
Embedding Restorative Justice Pedagogy in K-12 Instructional PracticeEmbedding Restorative Justice Pedagogy in K-12 Instructional Practice is the result of a research study that draws upon a framework of restorative justice in education pedagogy, developed in collaboration with Dr. Kathy Evans. The framework examines the intersection between three components of restorative justice (nurture healthy relationships, repair....
Seminary Chapel: Carmen Shenk
Join us to hear Seminary student, Carmen Shenk, explore the ways Jesus broke through the hierarchy, separation of the old covenant making a way to God’s presence – not just for Jewish men and priests, but for women, lepers, and gentile illegals. The life and death of Jesus brought all of us outsiders to the....
Seminary Chapel: Jeff Maust
“Who Do You Say That I Am?” Join us to hear Seminary student, Jeff Maust, preach from Matthew 16.
Seminary Chapel: Anton Flores-Maisonet
Gather with us to hear Anton Flores-Maisonet tell faith-inspired stories of immigrant justice accompanying asylum-seeking people on part of their journey into the USA.
University Colloquium: Timothy Seidel
Violence, Nonviolence, and Resistance: Sumud and Struggle in Palestine Discussion on resistance movements often turns on representations of violence and nonviolence. But is there something about the violence/ nonviolence binary itself that obscures deeper understandings of popular struggle and the social, political, and economic conditions from which they emerge? In an effort to unpack that binary, this....
Seminary Chapel: Imago Divina
Imago Divina – Join us as we learn through contemplative exploration of how we can listen for God through art.
Seminary Chapel: Dr. Lesley McClendon
“Blessed Are the Peacemakers” – Come and join us to hear Dr. Lesley McClendon, senior pastor of C3 Hampton. She is currently teaching “Foundation of Christian Preaching” to current seminary students. Matt. 5:1-12
Seminary Chapel: Rev. Brett Isernhagen
Come and join us as Rev. Brett Isernhagen guides us in remembering the 19th century abolitionist martyr, Anthony Bewley, and the all to love our enemies.
Seminary Chapel: Juan Carlos Malvaez
“Hospitality, Fostering Healing Communities for Immigrants and Refugees” Join us as Seminary student, Juan Carlos Malvaez shares his capstone with us, taking a holistic approach to hospitality. “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.” “No maltrates ni oprimas a los extranjeros, pues también tú y tu pueblo fueron extranjeros....