“Sacred Ground: Experiences in Lithuania” – Kathryn Fenton

Kathryn Fenton, Artist and EMS student, presents “Sacred Ground”–A Visio Divina on her experiences in Lithuania. Kathryn is in her final year of Seminary study in the Master of Arts in Religion with a concentration in Art.  She studied studio art at Messiah College for two years before transferring to EMU to complete a Bachelor....

“Authenticity Without Arrogance: A Call to Barefoot Discipleship” – Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Cherry

Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Cherry speaks in Chapel Gathering in the Seminary, reflecting on Mark 10:17-27. Stephen Cherry is an Anglican priest who is Director of Ministerial Development and Parish Support for Durham diocese and a Residentiary Canon and Chapter Member of Durham Cathedral. He has degrees in Theology and Psychology, and a PhD on....

“Recognizing Jesus when Phone Booths Vanish” –Dr. Michael King

Seminary Dean, Dr. Michael King, opens the EMS fall semester with his convocation address, “Recognizing Jesus when Phone Booths Vanish.”  King writes: When I saw a PBS video on seminaries posted under a heading that asked if what we teach is repairing phone booths, that caught my attention. Maybe because I turn 60 next month, I remember....

“Our Words Matter: Julian of Norwich and Diverse Images of God” – Maria CM Byler and Lindsay Mustafa Davis

Maria and Lindsay share  their presentation from the Women Doing Theology conference, how Julian of Norwich used metaphors of God as Mother and God as servant to challenge the language and images used for God in her time, and how today, we can learn to apply these images to create a more holistic and inclusive....

“The Art of Following Jesus” – Sarah Payne

Seminary student and artist Sarah Payne reflects on “The art of following Jesus,” drawing from John 21:15-23 and Matthew 16:24-28. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 11:00.

“Embracing Missional Shalom Community” – Dr. Randy Woodley

What does missional shalom community look like? In this Chapel Gathering of the Augsburger Lecture Series, consider the perspectives of Randy Woodley, from Eagle’s Wings Ministry, and the teaching of Luke 15. Randy Woodley is an author, missiologist, activist-scholar, former pastor and innovator. In over 35 years of grassroots ministry he has founded or helped....

“Creating the Harmony: Hearing Young Women’s Voices at EMS & Beyond” – Maria Byler, Lana Miller

EMS student Maria Christine Meyer Byler and EMU Campus Pastor Lana Miller share stories and reflections about creating opportunities for young women to experience a call to ministry. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday morning at....

“Reflections on Listening together” – Dr. Loren Swartzendruber

President Swartzendruber discusses the Listening Process as the Seminary Community is called to prayer for discernment. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 11:00.