“Living the Resurrection with Scarlet Letters” – Amy Yoder McGloughlin

Amy Yoder McGloughlin, Pastor at Germantown Mennonite Church, Germantown, PA, reflects on the Emmaus story as she tells her own story about fellowship and pastoring in a church that was excommunicated from the denomination. Germantown Mennonite Church is the Oldest Mennonite Congregation In North America.

Prayer for Christian Unity

Chapel Gathering in the Seminary incorporates an order of worship jointly prepared by a group of representatives from different parts of Brazil for The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.  This service joins the annual celebration in the Northern Hemisphere of the....

Chapel Gathering: Civil Disobedience/Divine Obedience: Jesus & MLK’s vision of the Beloved Community

Civil Disobedience/Divine Obedience: Jesus and MLK’s vision of the Beloved Community – A sermon based on Mark 1:4-11, Anton Flores-Maisonet examines the baptism of Jesus as a defining moment when Christ modeled the call for his followers to consider the cost involved in building the Beloved Community. www.alternacommunity.com www.facebook.com/alternacommunity

“Hold on, Let go, Let’s go” – Dr. Lonnie Yoder

Dr. Lonnie Yoder, EMS Associate Dean and Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, opens the Seminary’s Spring Semester with a convocation address, “Hold on, let go, Let’s go!” “In the midst of the intriguing times in which we live (e.g. rapid and constant change, over-committed lives, foundational challenges, and the experience of multiple losses), the....