Seminary Capstone Presentation – Brad Kolb
Brad Kolb, Think Again: How Imagination Leads to Transformation in Christian Worship Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then....
“Ecumenical Snake Handling” – Dale Humphries
Preaching Class student, Dale Humphries, preaches from Numbers 21:4-9, John 19:31-37, and John 3:14-21 in a chapel sermon titled, “Ecumenical Snake Handling.”
“We Are Judas” – Lindsay Mustafa Davis
EMS Preaching Class student, Lindsay Mustafa Davis, preaches from Matthew 27:3-10 in a chapel sermon titled, “We are Judas.”
“John 9: Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind” – Melissa Fretwell and Matt Weaver
EMS Preaching Class students Melissa Fretwell and Matt Weaver dramatize the story of Jesus healing the man born blind in John 9. They invite the congregation to participate and imagine themselves as characters in the story.
“Ministry in Context” – Dr. Ervin Stutzman
Dr. Ervin Stutzman, Executive Director of Mennonite Church USA speaks in Chapel Gathering at Eastern Mennonite Seminary about navigating pastoral ministry in the present context.
“Living the Resurrection with Scarlet Letters” – Amy Yoder McGloughlin
Amy Yoder McGloughlin, Pastor at Germantown Mennonite Church, Germantown, PA, reflects on the Emmaus story as she tells her own story about fellowship and pastoring in a church that was excommunicated from the denomination. Germantown Mennonite Church is the Oldest Mennonite Congregation In North America.
“Songs of the Church: My Musical Journey through Seminary” – Seth Thomas Crissman
Graduating Senior Seth Thomas Crissman shares some of the original songs that have emerged out of his coursework at EMS.
“Love and Leadership: Hand in Hand Towards A Healthy Community”
“Love and Leadership: Hand in Hand Towards a Healthy Community” led by Seminary Community Council members about what it means to be engaged in the EMS community and beyond. Seminary student Charlie Tinsley preaches.
“Journey into Failure” – Les Horning
Les Horning, Associate Director for Seminary Development and Admissions shares from his personal “journey into failure” during Chapel Gathering in the Seminary.
Prayer for Christian Unity
Chapel Gathering in the Seminary incorporates an order of worship jointly prepared by a group of representatives from different parts of Brazil for The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. This service joins the annual celebration in the Northern Hemisphere of the....