“All Saints” — Joni Sancken

Dr. Joni Sancken, EMS Assistant Professor of Preaching and Practical Theology, reflects on the theme, “All Saints.”  Luke 6:20-31. Seminary Dean Dr. Michael King has begun to articulate a vision for EMS as a “Discernment Training Center” (see Convocation, Fall 2012 and Convocation, Fall 2013). This fall semester, Seminary Faculty are sharing about their own....

“Indigenous Worldview: Values and Christianity” — Cheryl Bear

Chapel Gathering in the Seminary: Cheryl Bear’s First Nation community is Nadleh Whut’en First Nation in British Columbia, Canada, and she is from the Bear Clan. She is a multi award winning singer, songwriter and storyteller who shares stories of Indigenous life; the joy, sorrow, faith and journey. Cheryl travels to First Nations communities sharing songs of....

“The Revelation of John” – David Downey

Biblical Storyteller David Downey presents the entire Biblical book of Revelation from memory over the course of two Chapel Gatherings in the Seminary. Tuesday, October 15, 2013 includes The Prologue, The Seven Churches, The Seven Seals, and The Seven Trumpets Thursday, October 17, 2013 includes The Dragon and the Beasts, The Seven Bowls of God’s....

“A Neighborhood Watch for Trayvon” — David Evans

Dr. David Evans, EMS Assistant Professor of History, Mission, Intercultural and Interfaith Studies, reflects on the high-profile Trayvon Martin shooting in relatively recent news, and he articulates the need for hospitality and getting to know our neighbors. Deuteronomy 10:14-22 and Matthew 7:21-23. Seminary Dean Dr. Michael King has begun to articulate a vision for EMS....

“Do What You Love and Please God” – Ken Medema

The Seminary Community and others gather to hear EMU Spiritual Life Week guest Ken Medema focus on the theme “Do What You Love and Please God.” How do we imagine God’s will for our lives? Though blind from birth, Ken sees and hears with heart and mind, custom-designing every musical moment of his performance with....

“Discerning God’s Purposes in Extraordinary Times” — Lawrence Yoder

Dr. Lawrence Yoder, EMS Professor Emeritus of Missiology, explores what it means to “discern God’s purposes in extraordinary times,” drawing from Jeremiah 23:23-32 and Luke 12:49-56. Seminary Dean Dr. Michael King has begun to articulate a vision for EMS as a “Discernment Training Center” (see Convocation, Fall 2012 and Convocation, Fall 2013). This fall semester,....

“Instead, Fix Your Attention on God” — Michael King

Michael King, EMU Vice President and Dean of EMS, begins the Seminary’s  Fall 2013 Spiritual Life Week with reflections on Romans 12: “The Counter-Intuitive Miracle.” The theme of Spiritual Life Week is, “Let love be Genuine…A Discerning Journey.” The entire campus community is invited to every chapel service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings....

“Why are Vegetarians Weak in Faith?: On Identity, Contexts, & Discernment” — Mark Thiessen Nation

Dr. Mark Thiessen Nation, Professor of Theology, explores the question of whether it is “possible that this penultimate passage of Romans, in the context of the whole letter, could help us to know how our identity in Christ forms us to be a particular, discerning community” (referring to Romans 14:1-15:13) Seminary Dean Dr. Michael King....

“Stories from ‘The Land'” –Israel/Palestine Cross-Cultural Study Tour

Every other May, a cross-cultural study group goes from Eastern Mennonite Seminary to Israel/Palestine.  This chapel contains short stories and reflections from seven participants from May, 2013: Meditations on people and places–Anita Laura Fonseca Reconciling Palestinian/Western land awareness–Linda Matheny Let the little children come unto me in Hebron–Kevin A. Clark Refusing to be enemies–Dorothy Jean....