“Christianity without consequence: Called to a ministry of reconciliation” – J. Ron Byler

“Christianity without consequence: Called to a ministry of reconciliation,” II Corinthians 5:16-20. J. Ron Byler, Mennonite Central Committee US Executive Director. April 2014 marked 20 years since the genocide in Rwanda and Burundi.  Two of the most Christianized countries in Africa became the place where Christians killed other Christians.  What can we learn from this....

“The Glory of the Children of God: Spirit-Empowered Resurrection or Immortality of the Soul” – Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling is Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Lombard, IL. She offers four presentations in Harrisonburg on the theme “Being Human, Becoming Christian: an embodied reconciliation of Heaven and Earth.” Romans 8:1-4, 9b-11, 16-24a The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary....

“Sacred Ground: Experiences in Lithuania” – Kathryn Fenton

Kathryn Fenton, Artist and EMS student, presents “Sacred Ground”–A Visio Divina on her experiences in Lithuania. Kathryn is in her final year of Seminary study in the Master of Arts in Religion with a concentration in Art.  She studied studio art at Messiah College for two years before transferring to EMU to complete a Bachelor....

“Authenticity Without Arrogance: A Call to Barefoot Discipleship” – Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Cherry

Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Cherry speaks in Chapel Gathering in the Seminary, reflecting on Mark 10:17-27. Stephen Cherry is an Anglican priest who is Director of Ministerial Development and Parish Support for Durham diocese and a Residentiary Canon and Chapter Member of Durham Cathedral. He has degrees in Theology and Psychology, and a PhD on....

“Recognizing Jesus when Phone Booths Vanish” –Dr. Michael King

Seminary Dean, Dr. Michael King, opens the EMS fall semester with his convocation address, “Recognizing Jesus when Phone Booths Vanish.”  King writes: When I saw a PBS video on seminaries posted under a heading that asked if what we teach is repairing phone booths, that caught my attention. Maybe because I turn 60 next month, I remember....