“Burying God, Gathering Spices: healing from spiritual abuse” – Emily Hedrick
“Burying God,Gathering Spices: healing from spiritual abuse” Emily Hedrick, student at Wake Forest School of Divinity and author of True Confessions of a God Killer: A Postmodern Pilgrim’s Progress The good news starts at a tomb. We must learn to let each other mourn damaged images of God in order to experience new life.
“How to be a Peace Community in a fear-bombarded society?” – Dann Pantoja
Philippians 4:6-7 Dann and Joji Pantoja, peace building missionaries commissioned by Peace Mennonite Church and administered through Mennonite Church Canada, are are assigned to the Philippines to lead a team of Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Specialists called PeaceBuilders Community.
“Embodying Enoughness: The Practice of Paul’s Autarkeia” – Todd Wynward
Todd Wynward, author, educator, small-scale farmer, wilderness trip leader and Mennonite minister for watershed discipleship affiliated with Albuquerque Mennonite Church.. Embodying Enoughness: The Practice of Paul’s “Autarkeia” Phillipians 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:8 How did the Apostle Paul learn the secret of being content in any situation, whether surrounded by scarcity or abundance? Todd invites us....
“Writing Christ’s Letters to the World” – Dr. Darrell Guder
“The Disciples’ Vocation” Seminary Spiritual Life Week Concludes – In collaboration with Virginia Mennonite Conference, Virginia Mennonite Missions, Eastern Mennonite University and Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Dr. Darrell Guder, Princeton Theological Seminary’s Henry Winters Luce Professor of Missional and Ecumenical Theologies the guest speaker.
“The Disciples’ Vocation” – Dr. Darrell Guder
“The Disciples’ Vocation” Seminary Spiritual Life Week Begins – In collaboration with Virginia Mennonite Conference, Virginia Mennonite Missions, Eastern Mennonite University and Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Dr. Darrell Guder, Princeton Theological Seminary’s Henry Winters Luce Professor of Missional and Ecumenical Theologies the guest speaker.
“From the halls of EMS to the halls of Washington” – Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach
“From the halls of EMS to the halls of Washington” Rachelle Lyndaker Schlabach, Director of Mennonite Central Committee’s US Washington Office and an EMS alumna shares from Matthew 10: 16-20.
“Prayers of Lament…Refugees are We” – Ahmed Tarik, Jordan Detwiler-Michelson, Myriam Aziz
In Chapel Gathering at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, three students in the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding program at EMU reflect on their experiences in Syria and offer a personal context through which to understand some of the current refugee crisis in the region.
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Beyond: Stories from the Journey
Participants in the May 2015 Seminary Cross-Cultural to Israel/Palestine engage us in worship, stories of their experience, and prayer.
“Body Life” — Seminary Community Council
Chapel Gathering in the Seminary led by Seminary Community Council members – who they are and what it means to be engaged in the EMS community and beyond.
“Spellbound” –Dr. Michael King
Seminary Dean, Dr. Michael King, opens the EMS fall semester with his convocation address, “Spellbound: Present at the Big Bang.” King writes: In many ways, it seems to me, church is unraveling, whether at broad cultural or denominational levels or in the decline of our personal loyalties to faith communities or structures. Yet amazing weavings....