“Let the Tree Talk” – Rev. Dr. Gregory M. Howard
Reverend Doctor Gregory M. Howard speaks in Chapel Gathering at Eastern Mennonite Seminary as part of a “Dialogue on Race and Diversity” in collaboration with EMU Multicultural Services and Campus Ministries. Reverend Doctor Howard, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church East End in Newport News, Virginia speaks from Exodus 3:1-10 on, “Let the tree talk.”
“Lament, Trust, and Hope through Song and Prayer” – Andrea Yoder and Matthew Hunsbergers
In Chapel Gathering at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Andrea Yoder and Matthew Hunsberger lead a song service focusing on moving from Lament to Trust and hope.
“Sharing my Story” – Darin Busé
Darin Busé, Senior Eastern Mennonite Seminary Student and United Methodist Pastor. Join with the community in a time of worship and reflection as Darin tells his story of the walls that he has encountered as a combat veteran.
“Take Back The Night” – Charlie Tinsley
In Chapel Gathering at the Seminary, Charlie Tinsley shares parts of his story of abuse as part of the “Take Back the Night” events at EMU. Warning: This story contains personal material that may be sensitive for some listeners.
“God’s Mission & Voices from the Margins” – Malinda Elizabeth Berry
2015 Augsburger Lectureship Event “God’s Mission & Voices from the Margins” – Malinda Elizabeth Berry, PhD Assistant professor of theology and ethics at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary located in South-Central Elkhart, Indiana.
“A Wesleyan Method of Engaging God’s Word”
“A Wesleyan Method of Engaging God’s Word” led by Eastern Mennonite Seminary, United Methodist students. *All seminary chapels are open to the public. All are welcome.
“Burying God, Gathering Spices: healing from spiritual abuse” – Emily Hedrick
“Burying God,Gathering Spices: healing from spiritual abuse” Emily Hedrick, student at Wake Forest School of Divinity and author of True Confessions of a God Killer: A Postmodern Pilgrim’s Progress The good news starts at a tomb. We must learn to let each other mourn damaged images of God in order to experience new life.
“How to be a Peace Community in a fear-bombarded society?” – Dann Pantoja
Philippians 4:6-7 Dann and Joji Pantoja, peace building missionaries commissioned by Peace Mennonite Church and administered through Mennonite Church Canada, are are assigned to the Philippines to lead a team of Peace and Reconciliation (PAR) Specialists called PeaceBuilders Community.
“Embodying Enoughness: The Practice of Paul’s Autarkeia” – Todd Wynward
Todd Wynward, author, educator, small-scale farmer, wilderness trip leader and Mennonite minister for watershed discipleship affiliated with Albuquerque Mennonite Church.. Embodying Enoughness: The Practice of Paul’s “Autarkeia” Phillipians 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:8 How did the Apostle Paul learn the secret of being content in any situation, whether surrounded by scarcity or abundance? Todd invites us....
“Writing Christ’s Letters to the World” – Dr. Darrell Guder
“The Disciples’ Vocation” Seminary Spiritual Life Week Concludes – In collaboration with Virginia Mennonite Conference, Virginia Mennonite Missions, Eastern Mennonite University and Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Dr. Darrell Guder, Princeton Theological Seminary’s Henry Winters Luce Professor of Missional and Ecumenical Theologies the guest speaker.