Seminary Capstone Presentation: Sarah Bailey

Sarah Bailey, “God is Near: Paying Attention to the Presence of God” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete their....

Seminary Capstone Presentation: Adam King

Adam King, “Go, Sell your Whiteness and Follow Me: Jesus’ call of white Christians to radical racial solidarity” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of....

Seminary Capstone Presentation: Pablo Hernandez

Pablo Hernandez, “Attend. Listen. Forget. Repeat: The Dynamics of Preaching during Sunday Service” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete....

Seminary Capstone Presentation: Phil J. Yoder

Phil J. Yoder, “Integrating Past, Present, Future: From Mockupation to Re-Inventing Dutch Blitz” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete....

Seminary Capstone Presentation: Gabriel Dodd

Gabriel Dodd, “Discovering God: Spiritual Formation in Youth and Adolescents” Students in the seminary’s Master of Divinity program complete Capstone Integration Projects across the two semesters of their senior year. During the fall semester, they negotiate with the professors in the Formation in Missional Leadership class the design of their projects. They then complete their projects in....

“Meet Menno Simons” – an impersonation by Gerald Brunk

Hear History Professor Emeritus Gerald Brunk share an impersonation of Menno Simons.* Brunk’s rendition will challenge you to deepen your own life of faith, and to pursue your own calling. * “Menno Simons (1496 – 31 January 1561) was a former Catholic priest from the Friesland region of the Low Countries who became an influential Anabaptist religious leader. Simons was a contemporary....