“A Conversation for Peace and Resilience” – Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish

“A Conversation for Peace and Resilience” Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, MD, MPH Seminary Chapel Gathering led by Matthew Bucher, Maria Hosler Byler, Eric Trinka Dr. Abuelaish is a prominent Palestinian Muslim physician form Gaza who wrote, “I shall not Hate” about his life, the tragedy that befell his family, and his vision for a peaceful future....

“Christianity without consequence: Called to a ministry of reconciliation” – J. Ron Byler

“Christianity without consequence: Called to a ministry of reconciliation,” II Corinthians 5:16-20. J. Ron Byler, Mennonite Central Committee US Executive Director. April 2014 marked 20 years since the genocide in Rwanda and Burundi.  Two of the most Christianized countries in Africa became the place where Christians killed other Christians.  What can we learn from this....