“Just One, One, One” – Lana Miller

As a finalist for the position of undergraduate campus pastor, Lana Miller has shaped a chapel service around her message entitled, “Just One, One, One.” ——- Lana Miller is an EMS graduate who served as interim campus pastor at EMU in 2007-08. Lana and her husband Andy recently served with MCC in Cambodia with oversight....

“Parents Just Don’t Understand” – James Ellis III

As a finalist for the position of undergraduate campus pastor, James Ellis III has shaped a chapel service with a message entitled, “Parents Just Don’t Understand,” taken from Genesis 27:12-13 ——- James Ellis, III is an ordained Baptist minister who describes himself as “Christian by conviction, Baptist by tradition, and ecumenical in spirit.” James has....

“Strong Trees of Faith” – Carmen Schrock-Hurst

As a finalist for the position of undergraduate campus pastor, Carmen Schrock-Hurst has shaped a chapel service entitled Strong Trees of Faith and speaks on this theme as well. ——- Carmen Schrock-Hurst is an ordained Mennonite minister and current instructor in the EMU Bible and Religion department. She holds a MA of Theology from Associated....

“Fact or Fiction? Friend or Foe? A Personal Journey of Coming to Peace with Evolution” – Darrel Falk

(The second link is the afternoon Science Seminar by Dr. Falk) This Chapel talk describes the personal process of overcoming the painful cognitive dissonance that can easily impact the life of a Christian who loves the sciences, and entering into a joy-filled celebration of the beauty of science and faith united in Christ. Dr. Darrel....