“Conflict from Below: The Possibility of Astonished Gratitude” Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Walter Brueggemann offers the second of three plenary address for the 2012 School for Leadership Training.  Brueggemann takes the manna story as the root of a counter narrative about finance that is grounded in creation that exhibits the generosity of God and the abundance of resources for the community of the world. The 2012 theme....

“Conflict from Above: The Drive for Accumulation” Dr. Walter Brueggemann

Does a day go by without some thought or conversation about money? The economic climate? The lack of funds for a congregational program or project? The juggling act with personal bills? The search for wisdom about how to be good stewards of what we do have? Walter Brueggemann offers the first of three plenary address....

University Convocation: “Called to Peacebuilding” – Dr. Loren Swartzendruber

President Loren Swartzendruber speaks on peacebuilding, one of the EMU shared values, for the opening convocation of spring semester. Chapel closes with a time of sending for the Guatemala & Mexico Cross-cultural Seminar group at the end of convocation. Also check out the video that was shown in chapel before President Swartzendruber spoke! Matthew 5:3-10....

Homecoming Worship Service

Leymah Gbowee, 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate, receives EMU’s “Alumna of the Year Award” and shares personal reflections. Also being honored posthumously is Glen Lapp, EMU’s “Distinguished Service Award” recipient, who was killed in 2010 while on a medical relief trip to a remote part of Afghanistan.  Reverend David Myers also brings greetings from the White....

Reunion Gathering

The reunion classes gather in Lehman Auditorium for a short presentation.  President Swartzendruber recognizes the newest inductees into the EMU Hall of Honor, as well as Alumna of the year Leymah Gbowee and the Distinguished Service Award recipient Glen Lapp. Leymah Gbowee and the parents of Glen Lapp offer a response of gratitude.

Pray The Devil Back to Hell

Hear the introduction of and response by 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate and EMU Alumna of the year Leymah Gbowee.   “Pray the Devil Back to Hell,” is an award-winning documentary about the Liberian women who took on the warlords and regime of dictator Charles Taylor in the midst of a brutal civil war.  The documentary....

Inspired Peacebuilding – Leymah Gbowee ’11 and Doug Hostetter ’66

Leymah Gbowee and Doug Hostetter share stories on their experiences with faith-inspired peace building.  Carolyn Stauffer is worship leader. Carolyn Stauffer is Assistant Professor in the Applied Social Sciences Department. Doug Hostetter serves as the Mennonite Central Committee Representative to the United Nations and is a EMU alumnus. Doug is the 1966 class president. Leymah....